Who's On First?!

Jan 19, 2006 15:32

((Backtracking just a wee bit. Also if you read this yesterday, I changed it. It was way too confusing and I think we're getting plenty confused as it is ^_^; sorry 'bout that!))

*Groove fishtails and transforms at the entrance to the Ark where Hot Spot, and Streetwise wait. Close behind him, Blades lands in helicopter mode, transforming as well.*

[Groove] There's nothing else out there, man. It looks like the Decepticons are, like, completely gone.

[Blades] *Nods in agreement* Yeah, what Treeflower said.

[Groove] Cute, dude. -_-

[Hot Spot] Alright, let's head in then. We're done here.

[Streetwise] Yeah, I dunno 'bout you gents, but I know I could go for some energon right now. That and a good-- *The rest of his sentence is choked off as a wave of pain rushes through him. He can hear his brothers cry out in alarm, apparently feeling the same slicing feelings that he is. It lances up the center of his back and down, forcing him to his knees.*

*When he comes to, he's mildly sore, but not enough to be cause for alarm. Yet the world seems a lot...bigger.*

[Hot Spot] *groans* What was that?

*Looking over to where his brother should be, Streetwise is surprised to see a large blueish horse on its side wearily shaking its head, white mane shaking with it. Looking back at him, the horse's scarlet eyes eyes widened in surprise.* Who...are you?

[Streetwise] 'Spot, man, is that you? You're all...funny looking.

[Groove] Him? Man you should check out your new fur coat, bro.

*Taking a moment to eye the stag with Groove's voice, Streetwise finally gives in and looks down at himself with a feeling of dread.*

.oO(I don't think we're in Kansas anymore...) *Leaping to his feet...or trying to at least, Streetwise swivels around trying to figure out just what has happened to him.* What in the world am I?!

[Blades] A cat, dummy. An ocelot to be precise. *A disgruntled looking hummingbird watches the others disdainfully. When they all turn to stare, he glowers, wings fluttering in agitation.* And the first person to make a comment will get slagging pecked to death.

*The stag snorts, prancing closer to get a better look at the enormous, yet adorable, ruby and pearl hummingbird.* Woah, man, talk about your...

[Blades] -_- I said I don't want to talk about it, alright? Is that ok with you, Bambi?

[Groove] *His small tail wags happily* Sure thing...Tweety. ^.^

*Irritated and very very confused, Hot Spot stands shakily to his feet, stumbling a little before he finds his footing.* Quiet you two. We need to get inside. Whatever made this happen most likely affected the others and we need to be able to help if we can.

[Blades] Oh? And how do you recommend we do that, Kemosabe? *As if to emphasize his helplessness, he jerks around a bit looking as though he's in pain rather than having a tantrum.* I don't know about you, but I can't transform!

*Head cocked to the side, Groove tries next, his head swinging from side to side with the effort. With a yelp, Streetwise is forced to leap back to avoid the impressive rack of antlers on his brother's head. Finally the scout gives up, large ears pinned sadly.* I can't either, man. My vibes are all messed up, you guys. My mind and body are not working as one right now. ;_;

[Blades] *Taking to the air, he flies over to the large Jutland blue roan and lands on his back.* Well lead on, fearless leader. I just don't know how much good we'll be.

[Hot Spot] *He swivels his head to glare at his brother* We'll do what we can. And anyway, we may figure out a solution to this problem. So hush up, Blades, you're not the only one who's upset right now. *Moving slowly, as he's still getting used to having two sets of hooves rather than hands and feet, Hot Spot leads the odd parade into the Ark, headed for the Med Bay.*

[Streetwise] *Tail flicking from side to side* Let's hope 'Aid had better luck than we did.
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