I'll be your cheap novelty

Aug 14, 2005 01:34

okay...so i have a lot on my mind right now..and i guess it helps to write it down..sure why not..so yah spanish+math = bad have to bring those grades up, seniors are leaving next week which is sad, very sad..chris isnt doing so well, all these people are so depressed lately its weird..cuz one of the people is brandon and he's always happy go lucky and nice and friendly, idk school needs to end for everyones sake i think..mikes getting sick because of me, kyle is being an ass to ashley at work, and it seems like a bunch of things are going wrong for just about everyone..idk i wish i could make everyones problems go away or make them feel better...but i guess thats not possible....
so i guess track is just about over and mike ran a 10:06 2 mile and dan ran a 10:02 2 mile..which is pretty awesome..jen and i made shirts today for saturday but were both stressing out about them because they came out bad haha..pretty stupid thing to stress over but idk were weird i guess...i cant wait till summer..but you know what that means. bathing suits. i fucking hate bathing suits. maybe if i wasnt a fucking obese piece of crap id enjoy it more. but i cant stand going to the beach and seeing people all..dalg;ohf you know. my brothers gonna help me though so i can get enough motivation and self control and will.i think my dads gonna try to help too and maureen since she majored in nutrition. my dads really starting to piss me off. how hes stil fucking at my house when hes said time after time were leaving and how he wants to do something about it. well why wonit you then??? god. i want him to be happy but honestly its his own damn fault hes miserable..he has the choice to leave and doesnt. why? i dont know. its really getting on my nerves. thats why i got the job at subway. i dont necessarily need it. i just wanna be able to help my dad out so we can move out and buy another house. but he keeps saying, first i have to pick and get into a college. which ive been thinking a lot lately about not getting into college and not being a pharmacist which i dont really even want to be. dad kind of just decided thats what i want to be in 7th grade and boom, im stuck with that now. i want to fly. why cant i be a pilot? oh cuz there arent many job openings for women pilots and its sucha  restricted field anyways and they usually go for the retired combat pilots. not to mention it "costs too much to get into and youll go into debt" i dont even care, ill work at a small town airport and make barely enough doesnt matter cause im not getting married or having kids because as kevin used to say "every girl turns into their mother" and honestly i dont want to do that to anyone. if i ever turned into her i think i would kill myself. and to put a family through that would absolutely be horrible. s;lkhaOimnaeotjim idk wow im thinking about so much stuff...do we have a spanish test today..dont know..crap..still have to make up that writing sample. whyd i miss last thursday? ugh i just want school to end. i want to relax and enjoy summer. blahhhh

keep smiling every..summers only 28 days away.....

please keep smiling..remember its contageous..and hopefully we can beat this teenaged depression thats taken a toll on the kids at mansfield high. its really quite a downer...

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