Jun 23, 2011 15:33
I awoke writing a blog entry. Not physically mind you, but when I opened my eyes, a stream of words were scrolling past my brain, and then when I got up (just now) to go and try and write it down. Gone. Odd. It never flees quite so fast when it's a story as if it is random mumbling and musings.
However, I do remember this gist:
Coconut M&M's are awesome. Particularly when you've got a coconut mocha latte from Starfucks in your other hand. I think I shall call around my local Starfucks stores and see if anyone will sell me a bottle of the syrup, as the coffee is foul. Or at least far fouler than what I normally drink...MmmCaboclo...how I love the. Of all coffees there is only the torrefacto style Spanish beans that are above you. I would have coffee babies with both of you...
Also, I think I was ordering my cat Scarlet to go make me a pot of tea. In spite of her dearth of opposable thumbs. Always with that excuse, I wish she'd come up with something new.
On the writing front.
Vargen is being a perv. Which, I suppose is natural. But really, he's not supposed to keep noticing that Rhiamon has a nice ass. Really, he shouldn't. But he keeps on doin' so.
Zalbiyiah keeps acting like ri is male instead of both and neither. I think that has to do with Bahthin's presence. But, whatever. These four will eventually shape up. I'll make them.
Janni has just poked fun at the fact that I fuck with time like I fuck with people's minds: hard and dirty. And I just broke a nail. Ow.
Personal vow of the day: I will pack three boxes, empty out the fridge, and do another load of laundry. And clean the kitty box.
Reward: Two hours to devote to writing. And a coffee. With coconut syrup.