i wish......

Sep 17, 2005 00:12

i wish some people weren't so blind.

neways. school was good, work was good. life is good iguess.
could be better, could be worse sorta thing.
i think i have a brain tumor. or these pills ive been taking are really fucking with me. cause im really spacey and like i duno i just feel weird. like i drift off. like whats really bad, is when im driving i just like snap outa it and am like woah why dont i remember the last 5 minutes. but this afternoon was the worst. during the pep rally something happens and we all started screaming for some reason or another and i jump up, i fucking died. i got so light headed and felt so hot like i was going to faint. it was bad. but i kept screaming. lol.
oh yea and during the economics test today peter decided to blow his air horn. that was probably the scariest thing ever. i was bubbling in the scantron and my arm just jerks. it was funny.
i really have nothing to do or write about..

should i be happy that the only thing i have to worry about in my life right now is wether or not i should buy $98 jeans?

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