In Japan
According to tradition, the year's shortest day and longest night should be celebrated by
soaking in a yuzu (柚子) citron hot bath, and eating squash (南瓜) kabocha.
하루 중 낮의 길이가 가장 짧은 날. 유자를 넣은 욕탕에 들어가 호박을 먹는 것이 일본의 습관이다.
21 (environ)
Toji (solstice d’hiver)
Selon la tradition, la prodigieuse curiosité de ce jour le plus court de l’année correspondant à la nuit la plus longue ne peut se célébrer correctement que plongé dans un bain bouillant où barbotent desyuzu (cédrat acide) et en dégustant du potiron.
21 (aproximadamente)
Toji (solsticio de invierno)
Según la tradición, el día más corto del año y la noche más larga se deben celebrar bañándose en un baño caliente de yuzu (una especie de limón) y comer los limones exprimidos.
Ок. 21-го
Тодзи (Зимнее солнцестояние)
По традиции, самый короткий день и самую длинную ночь в году отмечают, принимая горячую ванну юдзу. Особым угощением этого дня является тыква.
In China (冬至)
Dōng Zhì is the day when families get together and eat tāng yuán (湯圓), a sweet soup made of glutinous rice balls. It is also the day when everyone becomes one year older.
Tāng Yuán (湯圓)
You can buy frozen tāng yuán in the supermarket, but it’s not that difficult to make. Simply mix glutinous rice flour with water to make a dough. Place it in the refrigerator for about half an hour, then take it out and form it into small balls.
The balls are boiled in water until they float, and then put in a syrup of rock sugar and water that has been prepared separately.