Title: Suicide Girls
Fandom: Jossverse
Pairing Faith/River
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine. These ladies belong to other people. I’m toying with them for a bit of recreational fun and to challenge my sanity.
Summary: Progression is good no matter the time of day.
Suicide Girls
They barreled into the well lit diner hanging off the other, each in a fit of hysterics. River couldn’t tell you what they were laughing about at that point. It was just good to get out of the cold and into someplace warm.
The waitress that greeted them looked less than impressed as River righted herself and stifled another ripple of laughter. Faith’s hand danced low behind her, brushing against her backside. “Two please,” River managed to say before she swatted Faith’s hand away.
She spun around on the heel of her boot, walking backwards to follow the waitress while she jabbed a warning finger at a playful Faith. “Behave.”
Faith sobered slightly, but the smirk was still firmly in place.
River turned back around and reached behind her to gather Faith’s hand in her own. The slayer laced their fingers together and allowed herself to be led to an empty booth. River slid into the right side and Faith followed.
The waitress left them with a menu and a promise to return with some coffee. “It’s late,” River said as she looked out over the lightening night sky.
“Or early. Depends on how you look at it,” Faith said not looking up from the menu.
“Before, I wouldn’t have dreamed of staying out this late or early.” River leaned in and spoke quietly.
“You can now though, Riv.” Faith looked up and smiled softly. “You can do anything you want now.”
“I know.” River began to fiddle with the ring she wore on her thumb, something Simon had given her a few years ago. “How long have I been here?”
“Two years?” Faith ventured.
River nodded and leaned her head on the offered shoulder. “I feel safe. You protect me now.”
The other woman chuckled. “I don’t think you need it. You do fine on your own.”
“Maybe, but you still do it and since, as you said, I’m free, I think I’d like to get a house…” She waited for an objection, but none came, so she pressed, “And a dog.”
Faith kissed the top of her head and said, “Okay.”