Title: Bleed to Love Her
Fandom: Jossverse
Pairing Faith/Dawn
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine. These ladies belong to other people. I’m toying with them for a bit of recreational fun and to challenge my sanity.
Summary:Waiting around in Sunnydale is just as good an excuse as any for tachycardia.
Bleed to Love Her
Dawn shifted her weight, right foot, left foot. The skin around her right thumb nail was tattered and torn, maybe even a little bloody if the girl was honest with herself. It was getting late and they weren’t back yet.
They should be back by now, at least Dawn thought so. It was a routine patrol. Nothing should have happened, but they weren’t back and Dawn…
Dawn was DEFCON One levels of worried. She went back to the living room window, parted the curtains and scanned the front yard. The clock on the mantle ticked by. She went back to pacing.
On her forth lap between the living room and dining room, she heard it, the faint sound of talking and then footsteps. The front door was opened and she was down the porch steps before they even made it to the walk way. What stopped her sprint was Faith, sandwiched between Xander and Buffy. Her arms were looped around the back of their necks as they supported her.
Dawn’s heart dropped to her knees and her stomach…
It might be reaching the Earth’s molten core right now.
Then Faith’s head snapped up, a lopsided grin spread over the brunette’s features and she slurred, “D.! Ah, there’s my…” Faith trailed off, managed to right herself and push off Buffy and Xander. She rocked back on her heels as the world spun a little, but she saw Dawn and that helped keep her steady.
Finding her footing, she tried to saunter, but it staggered instead, towards her girl. She gathered a rigid Dawn in her arms and began to twirl them around, her leg slipped between Dawn’s and her hands gripped the taller woman’s hips to bring her down on her raised thigh. “Once again she stills away!” Faith began singing, singing horribly off key and slightly slurring the words.
“Xander, please tell me you’re recording this?” Buffy guffawed from her spot at the end of the walkway.
His phone was already out and recording Faith’s crooning, “And how she takes my breath away, pretending that she won’t miss me.”
Dawn shoved Faith away, but the slayer just continued to sway, before she stumbled and fell. Dawn watched the fall, the face plant in the lawn and was about to go help when the snores of her lover registered. She instead whipped around to a cackling Buffy and Xander.
The friends supported each other as they doubled over.
“What the hell?” Dawn screeched.
Between fits of laughter, Buffy managed, “Demon defense.”
Xander knew this wouldn’t placate the girl so he tried to explain, “Did you know there’s a species of demon that’s defense is the equivalent of downing a fifth of Jack?”