Title: Worthless Rhythm Is Our Guide
Disclaimer: The majority of the characters contained herein do not belong to me. They belong to other people and I’m just using them for a little bit of recreational fun. No harm. No foul. No monies made…
Fandom: Various
Pairing: Various
Rating: PG 13 - NC17
Summary: A set of shorts featuring various characters set to the rhythm of a few songs from The Black Keys
A/N: Happy International Day of Femslash! I can’t participate in Con festivities, but I hope everyone has a good time. This bit is my contribution to celebrate today. I hope that if you read, you enjoy what I’ve done, some is A.U. and some is centered around canon.
South Of Nowhere3.
The Sarah Connor Chronicles4.
Law & Order SVU5.
Nikki & Nora6.
Women’s Murder Club7.
Gilmore Girls