We Cry 5/5

May 10, 2011 21:19

Fandom: Dexter
Pairing: Debra M./OC...toys with Dexter/Lumen
Spoilers: EVERYTHING...'cause I can.
Rating: R...those soddin' "F" bombs and well Deb's overall disposition is not child friendly.
Disclaimer, Spoilers and any notes from me…see chapter 1 ‘cause it all still applies.

A/N: Nada.

Ch.5 - Timshel

“So tell me again why you didn’t take up your friend’s offer to go out tonight?” Ivey asks me from the other side of the small table we are seated at.

I shrug looking around the club my ex used to bring me to. We didn’t come here often, but it was always nice. The memory’s less comforting tonight than what I was hoping for. I sigh and sip at my beer. I wasn’t as kind to the musician as I should have been.

Hell, I was a fucking bitch and he didn’t deserve it.

Maybe sometime before I die, I’ll find him and apologize.

“Be right back,” Ivey slips from her seat and I watch her bounce over to the bar. She leans over and talks to the bartender, a smart looking girl that looks a little out of place. My guess is a struggling college student.

I take another pull of my beer and wonder, for nowhere near the final time tonight, if I did the right thing. Was letting the vigilantes go the right thing?

Running a hand through my hair, I tip my chair back and blink, looking up at a guy in a suit. He’s cute, nice smile, nice clothes, but his eyes are blurry and there’s a light band round his left ring finger.

I roll my eyes, pull my badge out of my back pocket and flash him a smile. He pales and backs away. Smirking, I drink the rest of my beer and find Ivey staring at me from across the small club. Her eyebrow’s quirked and her arms are folded across her chest.

I smile at her and set the empty beer bottle down as I pocket my badge.

The badge is like a big red neon ‘no’ sign and causes a dick to limp quicker than a kick to the balls.

“Okay,” Ivey says as she places four shot glasses on our table and sits down, “What was that?”

“Drunk husband looking for a little fun outside the home,” I answer and look between my new partner and the shot glasses. I point to them and ask, “What’s this?”

“This,” Ivey says finishing off her beer, “is a top shelf tequila and us spending some quality time.”

“Tequila? What about rum and whiskey?” I ask, unable to keep the grin off of my face as I watch her smack her lips and line up the shots.

“Look, Det. Morgan, just because I’m Puerto Rican and Irish doesn’t mean that you can sit back and make jokes about my choice in alcohol. I take my tequila very seriously.” She winks at me and I feel my cheeks flush. “Now, what I need to know from you, partner,” she purrs and rolls the ‘r’s, “are all cases like this in your department?”

“Why’d you do it?” I wonder.

“Why’d you do it?” she asks back.

I shake my head and feel the tears sting my eyes. Fuck. Like I need this. I close my eyes and will the tears away. Ivey’s hand finds mine, covering it with a soft grip.

“I did it because it was the right thing to do,” her voice close, soft and warm against my cheek. “You made the right decision. I backed you up because your heart was in the right place.”

I open my eyes and look at her off to my right. She’s leaning into me and there’s no malice in her features. Her eyes are soft and kind, an understanding reflected back at me that I really don’t fucking deserve right now.

I shake my head and swipe at the corner of my left eye with the heel of my palm.

“I also think that this conversation, whatever it is, was a mistake to start. I’m sorry.” She takes her free hand and nudges the tequila in my direction. “We can be introspective when we’re hung over. It makes things more interesting that way.” She winks at me and I growl.

“Fuck you,” I manage thickly.

“Maybe if you’re a good girl,” she retorts.

I just sigh.

“But until I get you into my bed, it’s time to open up.” She raises the shot glass for a toast. I take mine and meet hers in the air. “To new partners and cases that will never be closed.”

We bring them together and let them clink softly. I rest the glass against my lips and tip it back, letting the alcohol hit the back of my throat and slide down, surprised when it offers little burn.

She over turns the glass on the table and I follow suit. “Now,” she winces slightly and takes the other in her hand, “This is for the hell of it. We deserve it and I’ll be damned if I let a good tequila shot go to waste.” Offering me a smirk she quickly takes the shot and I make a face as the second shot burns more on its way down.

The alcohol settles low in my stomach causing a pleasant enough warmth and I feel my eyes droop slightly, the buzz hitting me. Not drunk, just lose enough to allow me a small pleasure in resting my head against Ivey’s shoulder.

This is nice. Just being here. No expectations, no need for conversation. My partner is okay with me not talking. Not like I have much to fucking say right now. What I really wanna do is crawl into a bed and sleep for a few days.

That won’t happen, but I can dream, damn it.

She leans her head against mine and says, “Come on, it’s been a really long fucking day.”

I groan and turn my nose into her, briefly enjoying the smell of my partner before I sit up straight and rub my eyes. Ivey drops a twenty on the table and hands me my coat. We walk together, out of the club and to her car. I slide into the soft leather seat and close my eyes as I feel her put the car in gear and take off.

The drive is shorter than expected and I lift my head up as she parks in the complex’s lot. “I talked to Frankie. He said he’ll have everything ready for you tomorrow.” She kills the engine and I hop out of the car before she continues. “Until then, you’re welcome at mine.”

“Thanks,” I say and lead the way to her apartment.

I feel her behind me, hyperaware of every single move she makes. I can’t tell if it’s the alcohol or something else that’s causing it and Ivey seems to be ignoring it.

Maybe that’s a good fucking idea.

Ignore it and it’ll go away. It’s not like I need any more fucking complications.

She lets us in and I sigh, running a hand through my hair, trying to cool some of the tension that’s coiled in the pit of my stomach. I lead us to the bedroom where I kick off my shoes and hang my jacket over a chair.

I start to unbutton my shirt, but a hand on my upper arm stops me. I turn around, letting Ivey guide me.

She’s smirking at me, amusement reflected in her features and I let her hand trail down my arm.

I close my eyes. This is fucking stupid. Debra, I tell myself, this is epically, royally, stupendously fucking stupid.

“Quit overthinking things, Morgan,” Ivey whispers, cutting into the mental ass chewing I was giving myself.

I don’t open my eyes as I say, “Yeah ‘cause sleeping with you is gonna end so well.”

“It may if you let me steer,” she whispers and begins to undo the buttons on my shirt.

I finally open my eyes and look down to meet her gaze.

She’s still fucking smirking at me. “Stop fucking laughing at me,” I whine and laugh self-consciously at the same time.

I let her back me up to the bed and my shirt drops as she lowers us down on to it.

“Just let go, Debra,” she whispers against my ear, offering it a quick nip before continuing, “There’s no one here to hurt you or make fun of you. Just me.” Her tongue trails down my neck and she nibbles on the skin between my shoulder and neck. “And right now, the only thing I really feel compelled to do is pleasure you.” Her mouth works its way back up my neck and she kisses me right behind my left earlobe before whispering, “Let me, please?”

I clamp my eyes shut tight and feel myself nod despite the distantly logical part of my brain that’s saying I should leave.

Since when have I ever done the smart thing?

“You ready?” I ask Lumen out of the corner of my mouth as we approach the park where my son, friends and family are.

“I don’t know,” Lumen answers me honestly, but by then it’s too late.

My nanny is already coming at us with Harrison in her arms, a grin wide on her face as Harrison looks at me, his face lighting up in recognition. My mouth tugs upwards and I coo, “Harrison! Who’s a big boy today?” I wrap my arms around my son and hold him close; breathing him in before I set him on my hip. “Oh, daddy’s missed you so much.” I kiss the top his head and he buries into my chest.

“Hi, Harrison,” Lumen sing songs and rubs his back. My son gives a gurgle of pleasure at the attention as I see Astor and Cody come running towards me.

Without needing to be asked, Lumen happily takes Harrison as I drop to one knee and gather Cody in my arms. “Hey big guy,” I say into the crook of his neck.

“Dexter,” he shouts happily and returns my strong embrace with equal fervor. “I missed you.”

His words are short, sweet and do more for me than I thought possible. “I missed you too, buddy.”

He finally lets go and I rise up to be hugged by Astor. Since her little stint with her friend, since I stopped that despicable piece of shit from hurting Astor’s friend, she and I have seemed to come to some form of truce. “Hi, Astor.”

“Dexter, we missed you,” she says against my chest.

“I missed you too.” I pull her away and look her over. More grown up than I remember ever seeing her, she looks like her mom and I smile, happy that there are pieces of Rita left in this world.

Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, Astor and Cody’s grandparents, are next in the list of people I greet. They warily eye Lumen as she holds Harrison, but keep the introduction pleasant. The kids follow them as they go and take a seat at a park bench.

We get our hellos in with Maria LaGuerta and Angel Batista. Masuka has even shown up. I make a note to check the presents and hide the one from my friend from the lab.

Debra and her new partner, Ivey, are standing off to the side talking quietly to each other. Harrison, now back in my arms, giggles when he sees his aunt and her face lights up in turn. I owe Debra, more than she knows. Two days ago she had every right and should have arrested Lumen and myself.

Instead, she chose to let us go, seeing value in what we were doing.

Granted this last set of chosen were done more for revenge, but they would have come under my Dark Passenger’s knife eventually. Lumen just sped up the process a little bit.

Lumen smiles at me, encouraging me to take Harrison to my sister’s waiting arms. As I approach I see her partner’s hand go to the small of her back. I cock my head to the side trying to get a sense of reaction from Debra. To my surprise, she leans back into the touch and shoots a coy smile to the short Latina.

My eyebrows rise, but I say nothing as Harrison goes into the arms of his aunt.

“Hi, bro,” Deb says wrapping her free arm around my waist.

“Hi, sis,” I say kissing the top of her head. She looks up at me a little shocked. I would be too, considering I give affection about as often as a pimp shows it to his three dollar hookers. I surprise her further when my pride at being a part of the Morgan clan takes hold and I lean down and whisper, “Thank you.”

She looks up at me confused and I smile a most inscrutable smile then direct my attention to Ivey.

“Hello, Ivelisse,” I say extending a hand to her.

She takes it and smiles her own charming smile. “Hi, Dexter who insists on making me feel like I’ve done something I shouldn’t have. And,” she peers over my shoulder to Lumen standing close behind me, “Lumen. It’s nice to see you again.”

“Hi,” Lumen says quietly.

“Ivey,” Debra introduces, bouncing Harrison on her hip, “This is the little man of the hour, my nephew, Harrison Morgan.”

“Hi Harrison,” Ivey says gently, shaking his hand. He seems to like that as he laughs and then buries his face in Deb’s neck.

We watch as he peeks up and bats his lashes at my sister’s new partner.

The two detectives share another look and my curiosity deepens. Knowing about Debra’s sex life has never been a highlight of mine, but this…if I’m right…will need to be explained to me.

Lumen steps up beside me and she says, “He loves her.”

“Harrison has always been partial to his Auntie Deb,” I agree.

“And don’t you fu…forget it,” my sister catches herself.

“Seriously, Deb, there are kids around,” Ivey’s exasperated tone carries a note playfulness. “I’m going to have to get a gag, aren’t I?”

My sister’s cheeks flush at the joke and she shakes her head. “You know what I want to say, but I can’t ’cause I’ve got impressionable ears around.”

Ivey just smiles and winks at my sister. “Go on,” Deb says, “go visit with Astor and Cody and everyone. Ivey and I’ll take Harrison for a few.” She turns her attention to my son, “Isn’t that right, Harrison? Tell Daddy to go away so we can go play.”

I take my leave and wave goodbye for a few minutes.

“She’s nicer than I thought she would be,” Lumen tells me.

I shrug. “We owe Deb and her partner. Does Hallmark make cards for cops that let serial killers get away?”

For some reason, this causes Lumen to lose it and she doubles over in laughter. I join her for a few minutes. It feels good to laugh and as she rights herself and takes my arm for support, she says, “A fruit basket may go over better.”

“Hmm, you may be right.”

We share a look, a moment like so many that has passed between us over the last few weeks. I smile at her, just happy that she’s here.

I spot Astor and Cody talking with Angel and their grandparents. The words that escape my lips are unplanned, but true, “I want the kids back with me. I want you with me too, Lumen.”

Her head tilts to the side and she smiles at me again, this time there are no memories that chase away the small bit of joy she reflects back at me. “Then we’ll work it out.”

I sigh a deep sigh of relief and my Dark Passenger’s chest puffs out proudly. I suppose that’s the most a monster like me can ask.

“Oh, my fucking back,” I groan and hold the lower part of the thing I’m cussing. “I’m done. Fuck moving the rest of my shit. It can just…stay wherever the fuck it’s at.”

Ivey drops a box on the kitchen counter and laughs. I send her a dirty look and kick another box out of my way. Who knew I had this much shit in Dexter’s storage space?

“You should have been with me when I moved. I have one room that’s a dedicated library. You ever move a small library?” she asks.

I wipe some of the sweat from my face with the bottom of the tank top I have on and shake my head. “I didn’t know you were a big geek,” I tease.

“I am,” she confirms and saunters over to me, “I’m also a sports geek, car geek and a music geek. You still want to work with me?” Her hands slip over my hips and my stomach drops.

I bite my bottom lip and can only nod.

“Well that’s good. You’re quite a detective to keep up with.” She trails a nail down the slope of my nose. She nips my chin and purrs, “You may even be able to teach this old dog a few tricks.”

I can’t help the laugh that bubbles forth, “You’re not old.”

Her eyebrow quirks as she pulls back. “Good answer, detective, but I am older.”

No she’s not. If she’s as old as me I’ll be shocked.

“Let me help you. I was born in Sixty-eight. I’ll give you a cookie if you can tell me how old I am.” She bats her long black lashes at me and I quickly do the math.

“You’re forty-two?” Okay that came out more like a question.

She can’t be forty-two…she doesn’t even look thirty. I’d put her late twenties if I didn’t know better.

“You’re cute when you’re all confused.” She taps the tip of my nose and dances away from my reaching fingers.

I run a hand through my hair instead and shake off the shock. “Well, it’s just that-shit-I mean, you don’t-”

“Yes?” she sings a few feet away from me.

“Well,” I start then stop to rub the back of my neck. I should be able to just say it. I mean, it doesn’t-I roll my eyes at my own stupidity. “You just don’t look forty-two.”

Her lips press together and she nods giving me this look to tell me she knows there’s more that I want to say.

“And,” I shuffle my feet, stalling, “well, you’re pretty,” my cheeks flame, “I just didn’t think…”

I watch as she soaks up my discomfort. I really should be pissed, but she’s not doing it in a mean way. She’s teasing me, but being nice about it and it’s fucking annoying. But it’s not.

She puts me out of my misery, sliding back up to me and gathering me in her arms. They’re small, but strong. I’m still a little out of my element; the shock of how I fit in them and don’t mind still fucks with my head.

“You can think I’m sexy, Deb. I had a hard time thinking when I saw you in LaGuerta’s office. I wasn’t at my most smooth.”

“Huh, see, I didn’t notice. I was too fuckin’ pissed.” I wince, remembering the encounter. Not horrible, but I was a bitch that morning. “I’m sorry about that, by the way.”

She shakes her head. “Not really your fault. Besides, I was too busy checking out your ass to pay much attention anyhow.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me and I smack her arm.

“Fuckin’ pervert.”

She just shrugs and begins walking backwards towards the bedroom. “A little,” she admits. “I’m cute enough to get away with it, though.”

“The hell you are,” I argue.

She may be, but I don’t think I need to feed the ego on display anymore.

“I am. You don’t need to tell me. I know it.”

I roll my eyes as I shuffle down the hall and into my bedroom. My new bed, queen sized and quite nice, sits in the center of the room.

“I need to get Frankie something nice for helping you,” Ivey says as her knees hit the edge of the bed.

I lower myself down and follow her as she scoots up the mattress. I let our bodies, still cooling from bringing my stuff up, slide together.

Ivey’s all smiles as she works my belt free and I shimmy out of my pants. I work her cargo pants off her hips and lean down to nip at her exposed skin.

I smile up at her and she smoothes my hair back away from my face. “I think I’m going to enjoy having the weekend off.” Her voice carries promises of quality time spent in bed. I work my way back up and press our centers together, rolling my hips.

I can’t argue really…it’s been a helluva year.

dexter, we cry

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