Congrats to Theme#4 Winner,
tokene , with the winning sentence:
Hetalia-France/Canada) It was everything: it was the aroma of chardonnay in his living room (now littered with silk shirts and worn jeans) an hour back, it was the thick scent of sex in the air as his Mathieu writhed beneath his barely-there caresses; it would be the scent of maple syrup on pancakes which would serve as the only evidence of what had transpired last night: It was everything and nothing, all at once.
Avatar: The Last AirBender
Aang/Zuko -
sarajayechan Bleach
Hollow!Ichigo/Uryuu -
kiyala Kyouraku/Ukitake -
serenia Death Note
Mello/Near/B -
clear_aki Gravitation
Eiri/Shuichi -
teh_kusogaki Harry Potter
Draco/Astoria/Pansy -
sexyscholar Saiyuki
Youkai!Hakkai/Gojyo -
pfmoi Supernatural
Dean/Castiel -