Dec 10, 2005 12:42

Leave a comment if you have any questions. :D

Q: Is there a time limit on claims?
A: Yes. Six months.

Q: Can I do them all in one shot? As in a whole story, from 1 to 50? Like:
1. "Hello."
2. "Hello," he replied.
A: Yes, of course! Just as long as there is one sentence for each theme. (The format is just a guideline.)

Q: Are we allowed to call dibs for the next round, in case/when the person who has the pair drops/finishes it?
A: No. 1sentence does not allow wait-listing, or 'calling dibs' for a pairing already taken. You will have to either wait, or check the claimed list periodically.

Q: Are we allowed to claim general series? Like ... for instance: 'Good Omens: General Series, no specific pairing'.
A: 1sentence focuses on pairings only. So, no.

Q: Can I claim a pairing with a partner and write the sentences together, collaboratively?
A: Nope. Everyone else finishes all their theme sets by themselves, so it's kind of unfair for 2+ people to finish a theme set. It’s supposed to be a challenge for one person, not for a group.

Q: Can I get my claim beta-read before posting it?
A: Yes.

Q: What if a pairing is already claimed, but there is another series/type of canon for them? Can I clam the alternative one?
A: If it's like Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy VII, they're set in different worlds, therefore it should be alright.
But I don't think the same can be applied to ... say, Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. (That means there cannot be the same pairing from Guards! Guards! and Night Watch, for example.) But if it's like Saiyuki, where there are reincarnations and stuff (e.g. Konzen/Sanzo), then it is acceptable because despite having the same soul (or whatever you call it), they are essentially different beings.

Q: Are crossover pairings allowed?
A: Sure!

Q: What about threesomes?
A: No.

Q: Is it okay if the pairings are of the angsty unrequited type, or must the love be reciprocated?
A: Of course! That's what makes it interesting.

Q: Does the pairing have to involve romantic love, or can it be platonic, friendship - or family-type love?
A: Feel free to write the pairing however you like. The purpose is the interaction and relationship between the characters.

Q: Must everything be canon? Can it be AU? In another different setting?
A: Not everything has to be canon. However, please mention in your post if something is AU! or in another setting/time period.

Q: Do I have to limit the characters in my sentences to just the two in my pairing?
A: No, there is no rule on who can or cannot be in your sentences, so long as the focus of each sentence is the pairing you've claimed.

Q: I know this is a one sentence challenge community, but would it be okay if we had two or three sentences for each prompt?
A: But that's the main point of this community, see. Perhaps you could abuse dashes and semicolons?

Q: We can claim a pairing from a fandom that hasn't been listed yet, right?
A: Any fandom is welcome!

Q: Are OC (Original characters) allowed?
A: Yes, but please note that somewhere in your claim, and or, completed claim post :)

Q: How explicit can we make the sentences? For example, can I do an entire theme set with NC-17 sentences?
A: Yes, but please note this/add a warning somewhere on your fic when you post it.

Q: When we've finished our two pairings, are we allowed to claim new ones?
A: There are no rounds. You can claim and finish your claims whenever you want.

Q: I dropped my claim because I was too busy/lost inspiration, etc. Can I re-claim it at a later date?
A: Provided it is not currently taken, then yes!

Q: Where do I post my completed claim?
A: In the 1sentence community.

Q: Can I cross-post my completed claim to other communities?
A: Of course!

Q: Are real people pairings allowed?
A: They're not really encouraged, since they involve real people and all, but I can't say no, since they are considered pairings. I think it'd be better if you put disclaimers/something, one that mentions that the stuff is just fictional, etc., etc.

Please make a note of whether it is RPF/RPS or not when you make the initial claim.

Q: The pairing I want to claim is currently claimed by someone else. What can you do about that?
A: Depends on the circumstances surrounding the claim. The mods do regular sweeps of the claimed list at regular intervals, and if the claim has expired it is up for grabs again. In that case, you can make the claim on the Claiming post.

If the claim is not going to expire any time soon, the mods cannot do anything about that. However, as soon as the current user posts their sentences to the community or they drop their claim, you can claim it.

Q: Can I do all the theme sets for the same pairing?
A: The short answer is yes. The longer answer is yes you can, but once one set is finished, the pairing is up for grabs again. Thus, you have to come back and claim the pairing again at the claiming post if you want to do another theme set with the same pairing.

Q:Do the theme words/phrases need to be included in the sentences, or are they just a guideline for the focus of the sentences?
A: The words are just guidelines. Interpret as you see fit.

Q: Will the themes change or remain the same for the duration of the community?
A: To avoid confusion, etc., the themes will remain the same.

Q: Do the sentences have to be posted in the same order as they are laid out in the theme sets?
A: No. Feel free to move the prompts around.

Q:I changed journals, but still have an active claim. What do I do?
A: Leave a comment here with the following information filled out:
Username pairing is under:
Username to change pairing to:

Q:Is it possible to claim a character who someone else already claimed but paired with someone else?
A:Yes, as long as the pairing you want isn't already claimed.

Q: Would you like to affiliate with _____ community?
A: Go here.

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