john lennon x george harrison ; slash, real person

Apr 03, 2010 20:29

Fandom: Real person
Pairing: John Lennon/George Harrison
Theme set: Alpha
Title: Memories
Rating: g-r
Warning[s]: mansex, implied non-consensual sex, cursing, alcohol use, drug use
Notes: For some reason this pairing hasn't shown up yet. :O

1: comfort
All it takes is a simple press of full lips to a cold temple and, suddenly, all the screaming in his head melts away.

2: kiss
The kiss lasted only mere moments and was sloppy, wet, and a bit unpleasant, but seeing the dreamy look on George’s face made it all worth it in the end.

3: soft
“It’s soft,” George muses as John scowls at his bare stomach in the mirror, “I like it.”

4: pain
It was a mixture of pure pleasure and exhilarating pain, and as John dug his fingernails into his hips, George couldn’t feel more alive.

5: potatoes
They were potato-bred men, having come from the north, but that doesn’t make John feel any better when George serves up another vegetarian potato plate when all he wants is a big steak.

6: rain
As the television barrages him with the news, George thinks it’s horribly inappropriate when he remembers it was raining the first day they met, too.

7: chocolate
George licks the chocolate off his fingers in a much too sensual way, John thinks, and he uses that as his excuse as he rushes off to the bathroom.

8: happiness
“Life would be so much bearable,” John says as he stares at the white powder before him, “if he was here instead” (but he snorts a line anyway).

9: telephone
By the time he reaches the front door, John has convinced himself the reason why he came over to talk in person was because George hated speaking on the phone.

10: ears
When John first saw George, all he saw were cheekbones, thick hair, and too-large ears; now, as he watches him in post-coital satisfaction, he can’t help but think how beautiful the trio make.

11: name
“I want to hear you say my name,” John growls into George’s ear, and in seconds the younger man is moaning it out unabashedly.

12: sensual
“They said it would look sexy,” George cries out defensively when John begins to laugh at the ridiculous amount of rouge covering the younger man’s cheeks.

13: death
“About fucking time you got here,” John whispers into his ear and George finds himself smiling for an eternity.

14: sex
Even though he’s almost seventeen years old, George knows nothing about the opposite sex, and John decides that it’s his duty to keep it that way.
[OH HO HO, you thought I was going to make some raunchy, run-on sentence of gratuitous sex, didn’t you?]

15: touch
It was rough and frightening and undeserved, and all George could feel besides the searing pain between his thighs was the feeling of the rough brick pressing into his palms.

16: weakness
John knows George doesn’t like his body, and George knows John doesn’t like his body, so when John goes to turn off the light right before they strip, George doesn’t protest.

17: tears
John doesn’t know what to do when George cries, so he opts to smash their mouths together to shut him up.

18: speed
“We only have ten minutes,” George manages through the kiss as John fumbles with his belt buckle, “so hurry up.”

19: wind
“It blows my mind,” John sings quietly, and George can’t help but think that he’s in the presence of a pure genius.

20: freedom
George knows John had to go to New York, but he wonders why he had to go with her.

21: life
At first Paul thinks that the song is for him until he sees the way John looks at George, and when he’s alone, he sings mournfully, “I loved you more.”

22: jealousy
When Ringo gets a bit too close to George and George doesn’t try to push him away, John marches over and grabs the guitarist, making sure to whisper, “You’re mine.”

23: hands
George’s hands are small and thin and pale as they nervously travel down John’s chest to pause at the older man’s zipper; John’s hands are understanding and experienced and loving as he takes George’s fingers in his own and teaches him what to do.

24: taste
“Tastes like shit,” John said, making a face, before pulling his own pants down, “alright, your turn.”

25: devotion
John lightly squeezes Cynthia’s hand, giving her a small smile when she returns it, and thinks back to all the late nights in Hamburg doing the same with a young, clumsy, awkward guitarist.

26: forever
When George peers over Dhani’s shoulder and sees him reading J.D. Salinger, he feels anger and bitterness rise up in his chest, knowing the damage it did was permanent.

27: blood
John pressed a wet towel to George’s sticky hair, his jaw locked in anger as he mutters, “I’m going to fucking kill the guy who hit you.”

28: sickness
John strokes George’s hair, an invisible force in a room full of illness, and whispers, “We’ll be together soon, love, so don’t worry.”

29: melody
John knew the song was written about him, so he fought with Paul to let “I Need You” be on the newest album.

30: star
Ringo can see John and George running ahead in front of him and Paul, too far for their voices to reach and their legs to run, and he wonders if that’s how it will always be.

31: home
Yoko was white and Sean was white and the house was white, and he felt so out of place because he was dark; that was why he loved George so much, because he knew George was dark too, and, with George, he could feel normal.
[Yes, I totally ripped that off of my other story. Don’t judge me! (sobs)]

32: confusion
He got lost in all the pushing and yelling and grabbing, and suddenly John was roaring above all the noise, his face livid as he pulled George back from the crowd and held him protectively.

33: fear
It wasn’t the first time it happened, and George wasn’t sure it was going to be the last; but every time John’s fingers cruelly pulled down his underwear, George felt a sick thrill combined with fear run through his veins.

34: lightening/thunder
John was booming and loud and oftentimes obnoxious, and George was silent yet shocking and beautiful; together they were thunder and lightening, destined for each other yet unable to be at exactly the same place at exactly the same time for fear of being caught in the stormy clouds.

35: bonds
“I think I’ll go into financing,” George deadpanned after the tiring set, but a single laugh and hurried kiss from John erased all ache from his body.

36: market
After Pattie left him, George wasn’t ready to go back to dating; John, of course, wasn’t going to let George go back to dating, not after George and Pattie finally split up.

37: technology
“You’re going to die on December 8th, 1980,” George says, looking entirely too old and different to John for him to take the threat seriously.

38: gift
It was nothing special, the small ring that lay in George’s open palm, but the silent promise it kept meant more to him than anything in the world.

39: smile
George traces John’s mouth where a smile had hung only seconds prior, only to have his hand slapped away cruelly; “Don’t fucking touch me, you whore,” John spits out disdainfully and George is left alone with his wedding invitation in his hands.

40: innocence
“I’m going to corrupt you,” John tells George one day as they lay together, naked chests heaving with the after-effects of sweet bliss, and George just laughs and silently dares John to try.

41: completion
“You complete me,” John mimes comically from across the room, and George has to laugh because none of the reporters see it.

42: clouds
It was overcast the first time John leaned in to press a kiss onto a young George Harrison’s lips, and as he pulled away he smirked and nonchalantly said, “You can be in me band.”

43: sky
It was all bright colors and blinding lights and images he could never have imagined, and he was absolutely frightened until John’s hand grasped his own tightly, then: “Fuck, I think he slipped it in our coffee.”

44: heaven
He sees him put out albums and grow old and get ill and he waits, because John knows that Heaven isn’t quite Heaven without George there with him.

45: hell
It’s far too hot, John thinks in frustration, for George to still be wearing his damn t-shirt and jeans, and he can’t help but tell George, who agrees and begins to strip.

46: sun
“Dad, I’m dating Sean,” Dhani tells him one day, and George just smiles numbly and hopes that Sean loves his son just as much as John loved him.

47: moon
“You must have a fucking thing for drummers,” John mutters angrily, and George only manages a light wave to Keith before he is dragged away.

48: waves
It comes crashing over him over and over again, drowning him in blinding bliss and the purest pleasure and he cries because it’s all too much, and John just smiles and hushes him and kisses his sweaty forehead in an entirely too-sweet and too-knowing way.

49: hair
George hadn’t wanted to get his hair cut, but he saw the look on John’s face and he couldn’t help but want to please the older man (it was a damn good thing he rocked the look, as well).

50: supernova
They had gotten so big, so large that they self-destructed, imploding into themselves in a flurry of drugs and sex and betrayal, and, by the end, George had taught himself to say goodbye to John for the last time on a bitter December day, not knowing that the star was going to die out in three days.

real people, !set alpha

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