Fandom: Bully
Pairing: Gary Smith x Petey Kowalski
Theme set: Beta
Rating: PG-13/T
Summary: Yes, Gary Smith was a sociopath - but somehow, Petey knew how to deal with it.
Warning[s]: none unless you count BOYLOVE!!
And my lips, they don't kiss, they don't kiss the way they used to... )
First off, I just want you to know that I am not the world's biggest Gary/Petey fan, but I am getting more and more into it. Also, I am probably the least romantic person you'll ever "meet" so to speak, and I find a hard time appreciating romance. That being said, I hope you don't take anything I say too personally. Also, I do fully realize you don't plan to change any of this, so it's not like I am in a position to offer helpful criticism, am I right? Bleah, onto the commenting!
The majority of these (in my opinion) did not stand out to me as anything special. Usually the stuff I try to avoid on FF. Either because I feel they don't fit the characters, or because I don't like the way the writer is interpreting them. So, and I understand fully that it is hard to say a lot in one sentence, I kind of thought, "mediocre at best."
BUT (and here's where I hope you aren't upset with me, because this is the part of the comment that is most important- and gives reason for me telling all of the above...) I did find maybe 10 that I thought were not only far far more intriguing than the others, but they fit what I imagined Gary and Petey's relationship would be like to a scary degree. In other words, they were perfect. I am actually really sad that there isn't a full story to go along with them. :( But I'm going to tell you which ones those are, because they are probably the best Gary/Petey I've ever read. :)
Wonder, Breaking, Breathing, Quirks, Jump, Just, Sarcasm, Horizon, and then of course the last three.
Thanks for sharing, and I hope you are proud. I have never actually finished an entire one of these challenges (for my own recreation- I haven't posted any of them.) and I know that certain ones turn out a lot better than others. The ones I pointed out gave me chills at their awesomeness, and with that, thank you!
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