D. Gray-man, Allen Walker / Yuu Kanda : Gamma Set

Dec 30, 2007 14:50

Title: Finding Me
Fandom: D. Gray-man
Pairing: Allen / Kanda
Theme set: Gamma
Rating: G - R
Warning(s): Some spoilers, I assume... also, shounen-ai.
Note: This looked like too much fun when I ran into it, so I thought I'd give it a go! ^_^

#1: Ring
The ring of metal on metal was a familiar sound to those involved in battles, but Allen found the ring of the very last note Kanda played as he finished a song in a large, empty chapel to be the best sound he’d ever heard.

#2: Hero
Allen’s face was red as several Finders cheered for him, lifting them onto their shoulders and carrying him through the village square - they said he was a hero, but in reality it had been Kanda who’d saved the little girl from a certain and unpleasant death.

#3: Memory
A faint smile came to Allen’s face as he closed his eyes and let his mind drift to the night before, the memory of dark eyes and soft, gentle caresses warming him from the inside out.

#4: Box
Kanda blinked curiously as Allen offered him a box, but he took it anyway - and when he found it filled with chocolates, he raised an eyebrow as the other boy cheerfully said, “Happy Valentine’s day, Kanda!”.

#5: Run
The only sound in the still air were Kanda’s footsteps echoing throughout the alleys as he ran towards the last place he’d seen Allen… he wasn’t sure why, but he knew he had to reach him quickly.

#6: Hurricane
Allen yelped and slammed the door shut, practically blown into the small inn by the wind and rain - and as he stood sopping wet and dripping all over the floor, Kanda sighed and tossed him a towel.

#7: Wings
Allen’s eyes fluttered closed as the older boy kissed him softly, feeling his soul sprouting wings of pure fire.

#8: Cold
After being out in the pouring rain all day on a mission, Allen sat gloomily in front of a fire that did little to warm him, shivering - and then he felt something draped over his shoulders, and looked up to see Kanda walking towards the other side of the fire, no longer wearing his coat.

#9: Red
Allen squirmed a bit as Kanda gently slipped the white shirt he wore off of his shoulders, then trailed gentle fingers over his left arm - the red and leathery skin had always been a source of embarrassment to Allen, but Kanda told him with soft caresses and light kisses that it wasn’t something to be ashamed of anymore.

#10: Drink
Kanda sat back in his chair in the cafeteria and took a drink of his tea, watching Allen and Lavi joking around and laughing together - and though he typically disapproved of such rowdiness, at that moment it was something he needed to see.

#11: Midnight
Allen dimly heard the chapel bells chiming the hour - midnight - as he dragged himself up the stairs after arriving home… but his weariness and aches disappeared when he saw his lover patiently waiting for him outside his door, dark eyes warm with affectionate words that would never be said aloud.

#12: Temptation
Kanda prided himself on his willpower and stern discipline, but seeing Allen sprawled out on his bed covered only by a thin sheet proved to be too much for him to resist.

#13: View
The view from the very top of the Order was spectacular, and Allen found that he enjoyed it all the more with Kanda standing behind him, embracing him and sharing his warmth.

#14: Music
Nothing sounded better to Allen’s ears than Kanda playing his violin - it was a sweet, gentle sound that he could listen to happily for the rest of his life.

#15: Silk
Allen had always loved Kanda’s hair - he loved the way it smelled, loved the way it looked (up or down), but most of all he loved the way it flowed like silk through his fingers.

#16: Cover
Allen had been shivering all day, and he was eternally grateful upon slipping into bed with Kanda that the Japanese boy had thought to add more blankets - and when he was wrapped in the warmth of his lover’s arms and felt the weight of the covers on top of him, he closed his eyes and smiled sleepily.

#17: Promise
Kanda stared out his window as he recalled Allen’s promise to return within two days, trying hard not to think of the fact that it had been five since he’d gone away.

#18: Dream
Throughout the years Kanda found that sleep commonly lent itself to nightmares, but nights spent in Allen’s arms led to soft, quiet dreams that soothed his mind and restored his strength.

#19: Candle
Kanda frowned slightly in concentration as he lit a candle, then another - despite his cold exterior he wanted the night to be perfect, and he knew that Allen loved candles.

#20: Talent
Kanda was a man of many talents, though most only knew of those which pertained to combat; however, Allen smiled almost giddily as he read over a brief poem the older boy had given him before leaving on a mission.

#21: Silence
Allen sat alone, staring dully at the wilted lotus still locked inside its hourglass tomb, knowing that the room that had once been filled with whispers and soft words would never hear anything again.

#22: Journey
If love is a journey, then confession is the first step - and as Kanda gazed down at him expectantly, Allen wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him softly on the cheek, whispering “I love you” as he did so.

#23: Fire
Allen had known from the moment he first met Kanda that despite the boy’s cold exterior, he was filled with a fire that burned brighter than any he’d ever seen before.

#24: Strength
Allen never ceased to amaze Kanda with his quiet strength; in fact, when all hope should rightfully be lost, the younger exorcist surged forward and gave whatever he was doing his all.

#25: Mask
Kanda looked around the cafeteria, decorated for some undoubtedly pointless holiday, surprised as he saw everyone hidden behind a wash of masks - but the person he’d been seeking found him momentarily, causing him to sigh and obligingly put on a mask of his own.

#26: Ice
Yuu Kanda had worked long and hard to entomb his heart in ice, and so far as melting it went - what Daisya Barry started, Allen Walker finished effortlessly.

#27: Fall
“I won’t let you fall,” Allen had said, and Kanda believed him - no matter how fierce the battle he knew Allen was always behind him, waiting to catch him.

#28: Forgotten
Kanda brushed the dust off of an old book of folklore and studied the cover curiously, wondering how long it had been there with nobody knowing about it.

#29: Dance
Allen blushed and bit his lip as Kanda took his hands and pulled him gently towards his bed, his whole being yearning for the dance that would bind them together as one for the rest of their lives.

#30: Body
Allen closed his eyes and whimpered softly as strong, callused hands explored his body, waking thoughts and feelings he’d never experienced before… and he loved every second of it.

#31: Sacred
Kanda had never been one for religious ceremony, but one evening he found himself alone in the Order’s sanctuary… and the peace he felt settle over him compelled him to stay.

#32: Farewells
Allen had never been fond of the word “goodbye”, and often instead chose to simply smile and say “I’ll see you later” - which suited Kanda just fine, though the only response he ever gave was a slight nod.

#33: World
Nobody knew more about the fact that the world was a big and dangerous place than Allen Walker, and not being one to look a gift horse in the mouth, he let Kanda be his bodyguard as the two walked through the filthy and dangerous streets of London’s red light district.

#34: Formal
Allen knew little about Japanese culture save that they were big on formalities… and so one night when he lay curled in Kanda’s arms and the older boy had softly invited Allen to call him by his given name, his smile nearly outshone the stars.

#35: Fire
Curling up in front of a warm fire was one of Allen’s most favorite things in the world, and while Kanda wouldn’t admit it to anyone else, it was fast approaching the top of his very small list of favorite things as well.

#36: Laugh
Though he never did so himself (to do so would be completely against everything he’d worked for), Kanda grudgingly admitted to himself that he loved to hear Allen laugh.

#37: Lies
Allen growled to himself as he stomped towards his room, sick of being lied to and misled about everything (or so it was in his mind) - until Kanda caught up with him and gently told him the truth, that an exorcist he had met recently had died - and though it was a hard blow, Allen felt better for knowing the truth.

#38: Forever
A promise of “forever” always ended in pain in one way or another, and while Allen was not willing to inflict that pain upon either Kanda or himself, he was content to say “for as long as I live.”

#39: Overwhelmed
Kanda rested his head in his hands, staring down at the paperwork in front of him - he loathed the fact that his English was occasionally too poor to do the work on his own; but Allen was always there with soft smiles and gentle patience to prod him along.

#40: Whisper
As the group sat down for dinner, Allen grinned and whispered something in Kanda’s ear - and to everyone’s shock, the stoic swordsman actually blushed.

#41: Wait
Despite being persuaded and bribed with food, Allen stubbornly refused to move from the dock, waiting impatiently for a glimpse of Kanda’s boat to reassure him that the older boy had once again survived his mission and was coming home safely.

#42: Talk
One of Allen’s favorite things to do was sit up late and talk, and so more often than not, he wound up curled close to Kanda talking about everything and nothing as the Japanese boy listened quietly with a faint smile on his face that Allen never saw.

#43: Search
Kanda pushed rocks and dirt aside, desperately searching for a sign of his lover - a shock of white hair, or his Innocence arm - anything that would give him a direction, something to strive for - saving his life, or taking him home for the last time.

#44: Hope
Allen had given up all hope of ever being accepted by Kanda, and as he trudged towards his room with his head down, a hand on his arm stopped him - and when he turned and looked up at the person behind him, his heart began to race.

#45: Eclipse
Kanda grumbled to himself as Allen pulled him up the never-ending flight of stairs that led to the top of the Order - but when he saw the joy on the younger boy’s face at the shadow that slowly crawled across the moon, he sighed and pretended to enjoy it for his sake.

#46: Gravity
Allen gasped as he lost his grip on the side of the mountain he’d been steadily climbing, and gravity proved itself to still be working as he plummeted ever downward - he squeezed his eyes closed, waiting for the shock of pain as he hit the bottom, and those eyes suddenly opened wide when the raven-haired exorcist he’d been yearning for caught him and returned him to safety (though not without a scolding).

#47: Highway
Kanda crossed his arms, annoyed, as he gazed across the busy highway leading into the village - the crowd had caused him to become separated from Allen, and though he wasn’t worried (or at least he wouldn’t admit it if he were) he wanted to find him quickly and get on with the mission.

#48: Unknown
At first, the entire idea of being loved was completely unknown to Kanda - after all, he’d gone through his entire life up until then not experiencing it - but after a little while, he slowly grew used to it, and even decided that life without it was not quite as fulfilling.

#49: Lock
Allen sighed as he pushed at the door to his room, and when he found it locked he rummaged in his pocket for the key… then he remembered he’d left it on Kanda’s desk and sighed again, but smiled faintly as he walked away.

#50: Breathe
Kanda closed his eyes and buried his nose in Allen’s hair, breathing in the clean, herbal scent that was so familiar and comfortable.

d.gray-man, !set gamma

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