Yu-Gi-Oh! - Pegasus J. Crawford/Siegfried von Schroider

Dec 20, 2007 21:17

Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Pairing: Pegasus J. Crawford / Siegfried von Schroider
Theme set: Gamma
Rating: PG
Warning[s]: Sexual innuendo
Author's Note: Wow. I signed up for this FOREVER ago... At least I finally did it?

#01 - Ring

When the phone rang, Siegfried thought he had better thank Pegasus for the drinks and leave, but Pegasus simply picked it up, informed whoever was on the other end that he was in the middle of an important meeting, and then turned back to Siegfried with a casual, “You were saying?”

#02 - Hero

Neither man had much claim to call themselves heroes, but then, they would have gotten bored with someone who always had to play by the rules.

#03 - Memory

Sometimes it was easy to tell that Pegasus still thought about his first love, and Siegfried learned to find this comforting, knowing that if anything ever happened to him, that Pegasus would cherish his memory every bit as much.

#04 - Box

Siegfried had lived his whole life feeling boxed in by conventions, an almost infinite list of things he was supposed to do or not do, say or not say; Pegasus delighted in dragging Siegfried outside those limits whether he wanted to or not, which was really the best thing about him.

#05 - Run

Siegfried walked down the halls of his grand home with a dignity befitting his wealth and status - until he unexpectedly caught sight of a familiar figure and a gleam of silvery hair, and he gave a cry of surprise and delight, and broke into an entirely undignified run.

#06 - Hurricane

“There is nothing funny about a man who was caught in a veritable hurricane,” said Siegfried stiffly, as he tried and failed to put his long hair back in order, but Pegasus laughed anyway until Siegfried smiled in spite of himself.

#07 - Wings

Siegfried toyed with a card and smiled, thinking to himself that choosing “Wings of the Pegasus” for his deck had been a nearly prophetic move.

#08 - Cold

Siegfried had never fully appreciated how glorious the winter weather in his native country could be until he found someone from the sunny shores of California who was always willing to drop what he was doing to fly across the ocean just to come keep him warm.

#09 - Red

Red was Pegasus’s favorite color, but it tended to clash with whatever Siegfried was wearing, so Siegfried solved the problem of guest bedrooms by decorating Pegasus’s room the way Pegasus liked it and simply making a resolution not to go in there unless he intended to divest himself of his clothes.

#10 - Drink

When Pegasus said, “I’m going out for a drink,” it had not always meant an overnight trip - but when his favorite drinking partner wasn’t legal in America, it was necessary to go to Germany where he was.

#11 - Midnight

Siegfried did not put as much faith in magic as Pegasus did, but when Pegasus leaned close to him that night and whispered that midnight was the time when magic happened, Siegfried believed him.

#12 - Temptation

Pegasus had a hard time making it clear that what had lured him away from his single lifestyle was not Siegfried’s money or looks or even his personality, so much as it was the simple but irresistible temptation of loving someone who needed to be loved.

#13 - View

Siegfried was offended when Pegasus said that the view over Siegfried’s rose gardens was the second-best in the world, until Pegasus explained that of course the best view was naturally wherever Siegfried was.

#14 - Music

Siegfried protested that he was busy with something important, but Pegasus only told him that the song on the radio wouldn’t stay there forever, and so they had to dance to it while they could.

#15 - Silk

Being a more-or-less self-made man, Pegasus believed in living well, but not excessively - but that night, as he snuggled down beneath Siegfried’s satin sheets, he thought there was something to be said for being decadent once in a while.

#16 - Cover

Pegasus made a move to brush his windblown hair back to its proper place, but Siegrfried caught his hand and said, “Do you still think you need to cover your face around me?”

#17 - Promise

Siegfried was a jealous man, and had always dimly suspected that if he ever found a lover, he would probably need constant reassurance that he was the center of their world, but he’d never needed a promise from Pegasus - devotion was his way of life.

#18 - Dream

Pegasus presented Siegfried with a flyer for the new release of Siegfried’s latest creation and said, “There you are - one step closer to your dream,” while Siegfried looked from it to Pegasus and back again, and realized that he hadn’t been dreaming of the same things he once had.

#19 - Candle

Siegfried told Pegasus glibly that of course he was dating Pegasus for his looks - he was the only man whose dress sense and commitment to hair care could hold a candle to his own.

#20 - Talent

“It’s not enough to have talent,” Pegasus said, as Siegfried posed his latest portrait, “you’ve got to have something beautiful to apply it to if it’s going to be useful.”

#21 - Silence

The day had been perfectly peaceful, absolutely devoid of any problems or difficulties, so that when Pegasus arrived at Siegfried’s office, Siegfried sighed with relief and said, “Thank goodness you’re here - it’s been too quiet lately.”

#22 - Journey

Siegfried had been advised that there was far too much distance between Germany and America for him to be making the journey back and forth to spend time with his lover, but that person had been old and ignorant of the marvels of the Internet and virtual technology.

#23 - Fire

Most of the employees of Schroider Corporation agreed that Siegfried joining forces with Pegasus had been a good move - not so much because of the profit margin but because when Siegfried was happy, he was less likely to fire someone.

#24 - Strength

Pegasus relaxed in his chair, his back to Siegfried, watching his reflection in the glass of his office window as the lovely young executive put all his strength into convincing him to look favorably on him and his endeavors, without knowing that even then he already had Pegasus’s full and undivided attention.

#25 - Mask

The first time Pegasus had met Siegfried, he had gotten the impression of an intensely self-controlled, self-contained man, and if there was one thing Pegasus couldn’t resist after all those years of holding the Eye, it was trying to see behind people’s masks.

#26 - Ice

Siegfired hated cold weather, despised snow, and loathed the frosts that killed his garden with a fiery passion, but he really didn’t mind ice - as long as the ice was in a frozen drink that he could enjoy it next to Pegasus’s private pool.

#27 - Fall

Siegfried sighed out at the brown landscape of his garden, wishing Fall didn’t have to come, when a servant appeared bearing a vase with a fresh-cut rose in it, and a note in Pegasus’s handwriting that read, “They’re still blooming in California if you’d like to come see them...”

#28 - Forgotten

In the middle of the discussion, Pegasus had asked him if he’d forgotten what it was like to be a child, and Siegfried had answered honestly that he’d never been allowed to be one in the first place, which was how he’d ended up sitting in a beanbag chair eating peanut-butter sandwiches and watching cartoons.

#29 - Dance

Siegfried thought it was really rather gallant of Pegasus to make it a point that when the two of them attended a formal dance, Pegasus would always dance with the frumpiest, most unattractive people there so Siegfried wouldn’t be jealous.

#30 - Body

Siegfried had once accused Pegasus of only loving him for flawless body and beautiful face, which Pegasus had knowingly responded to by reminding him that he wouldn’t want it any other way.

#31 - Sacred

“...and then she started in on telling me how family is a sacred trust, and that I should settle down with a nice girl and start thinking of producing children,” Siegfried was telling Pegasus over their afternoon drink, “so I told her that I’ve never been a saint and would prefer to laugh with a sinner.”

#32 - Farewells

“I bid thee adieu, most glorious and perfect flower - I will pine for thy sweet fragrance until the hour I can return to thy blessed garden,” said Pegasus, along with a great many other things in that vein, while Siegfried listened and enjoyed and didn’t bother to remind him that they would be meeting each other for lunch anyway.

#33 - World

Pegasus had traveled the world over, seeking inspiration for his cards but mostly looking for something to fill the void of loneliness left by Cyndia’s passing; he had never realized that if he had stopped traveling and stayed where he was, that someday Siegfried would come knocking on his door and ask if he might have a moment of his time...

#34 - Formal

The first moment Siegfried began to realize that he was falling for Pegasus was when he realized that when Pegasus said, “Please, you don’t have to be formal around me,” he was being absolutely honest.

#35 - Fever

One thing that Siegfried and Pegasus had in common was that when a task meant something to them, they would throw themselves into it with a fevered intensity that would have destroyed a lesser man; today they were focused mainly on the task of enjoying themselves.

#36 - Laugh

Generally the best anyone could get out of Siegfried was a quiet, refined chuckle - Pegasus was the only one who had ever succeeded in reducing him to tears of helpless laughter.

#37 - Lies

Siegfried, eternally conscious of his dignity, was complaining about the lies printed about the two of them in the tabloids, until Pegasus came and took the paper from his hands and asked slyly, “Wouldn’t you prefer to give them something to talk about?”

#38 - Forever

Pegasus’s PR people had tried in vain to get him to find a lover who was a bit more socially acceptable, or to at least be a bit less blatant about about the fact that Siegfried was his partner in more than just business, but if there was one thing that Pegasus knew about love, it was that it didn’t last forever, so you had to make the most of every minute you had.

#39 - Overwhelmed

“Quit that,” said Pegasus, as if Siegfried were being a naughty little boy, and Siegfried looked up from behind the mountains of papers and the phones that rang every five minutes, as Pegasus continued, “Get some rest - I’ll take care of things for a while.”

#40 - Whisper

It was supposed to be a very serious business meeting, but Siegfried was finding it very hard to maintain the proper grave expression considering the things Pegasus kept whispering to him.

#41 - Wait

A young hopeful sitting in the lobby outside Pegasus’s office had been there for over an hour, and was wondering how much longer the executive was going to keep him waiting, when the door opened and Siegfried strolled out, with his hair slightly disheveled and a satisfied smile on his face, and the young businessman decided that he didn’t really want to go into that office today after all - at least until he knew that all the furniture in there had been thoroughly cleaned.

#42 - Talk

A language barrier was a very useful thing, at times: they could speak English to each other in Germany, and German to each other in America, and as long as they kept a straight face no one ever knew when they were talking business and when they were talking pleasure.

#43 - Search

Pegasus had tried to explain to Siegfried that it was no use - that he had already lost his heart to someone else a long time ago, but Siegfried was used to getting what he wanted, and only said, “If it is lost, than I will search for it until I find it again.”

#44 - Hope

Pegasus knew that Siegfried was entirely the wrong person to be dating - too young, too closely associated with his company, too far away, the wrong gender - but he loved him, and that made him more than Pegasus had been hoping for.

#45 - Eclipse

Siegfried’s initial reason for getting involved with Pegasus had largely been concerned with finding a way to eclipse Kaiba in the realms of business, and while he had not yet accomplished that, he could at least take comfort in knowing that he had at least managed to beat him in the romance department.

#46 - Gravity

“I don’t think you properly understand the gravity of the situation,” said Siegfried’s mother sternly, pausing in her tirade to glare at him, but Siegfried couldn’t help but smile even in the middle of a lecture on why it was against his best interests to be dating another man - even if he was smiling mainly because Pegasus was standing behind her making rabbit ears.

#47 - Highway

The one thing Siegfried had wanted most in life was to be successful, so when Pegasus smiled and told him, “From here on in, you’re on the highway to success, and I am going to personally ensure you stay in the fast lane,” Siegfried probably should have realized then that he was going to fall.

#48 - Unknown

Siegfried had always believed himself to be a well-educated man, fully equipped to handle every aspect of life, until the day that Pegasus had led him into his private library of occult and mystical texts and told him the full story of how he’d lost his eye, and Siegfried had been forced to admit that there was a lot about the world that he still did not know.

#49 - Lock

“No, wait... we forgot to lock the door,” said Pegasus, which made Siegfried laugh, because he’d never been ashamed of having anyone see him naked.

#50 - Breathe

Long after Siegfried had left the room, Pegasus stayed where he was, for no reason other than to breathe the scent of roses that he left in his wake.

yuugiou/yu-gi-oh!, !set gamma

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