(no subject)

Jun 14, 2006 12:47

Fandom: Final Fantasy 7
Pairing: TsengxCloud
Theme set: Alpha
Rating: PG13

1 Comfort

Tseng’s apartment is made up of imported silk, expensive antiques, and large glass windows that let in the sun, but they decide to live in Cloud’s small, dark home instead.

2 Kiss

One minute, they are walking, alone, in ShinRa halls, and the next they are against each other, all heat and desperation, against the wall.

3 Soft

Cloud is made up of sharp angles, so Tseng is surprised when he touches him and discovers how smooth and soft he really is.

4 Pain

He’s a Turk, heartless, so when sudden coldness fills him and seizes him until it hurts to look at the small, tortured figure on the stretcher, all of the chill is ignored so Hojo can have his vengeance and a new subject and he can go on without feeling.

5 Potatoes

Cloud realizes how bizarre his life has become when he finds himself peeling potatoes in hot, humid summer air with a man who once tried to kill him, but now claims he loves him.

6 Rain

The rain makes everything more desperate until it is only body against body and they are both trying to save themselves, each other.

7 Chocolate

Tseng is horribly old-fashioned and Cloud blinks, confused, when he is handed a box of chocolates on Valentine’s Day.

8 Happiness

He wonders why he wants Strife to look happy, and then realizes that he is a hypocrite.

9 Telephone

It all seems so painfully domestic-he calls in from the office to check in while Cloud acts annoyed and vaguely offended, but secretly likes the routine.

10 Ears

He hears Lockhart talking, worried, “-won’t talk, not even for the kids-“ and pauses.

11 Name

And it is only when Tseng believes that he finally has a hold on this beautiful psychotic when he drifts away from him, out of his hands, like his namesake.

12 Sensual

All it takes is his lips to slightly part and the zipper on his chest to be a little lower for Tseng to realize that he wants him.

13 Death

There is a finality and completion and silence to death that Tseng admires, but Cloud hates, so he knows beforehand that this just won’t work out, but he hopes that he’s wrong.

14 Sex

It’s all about the sounds-short, harsh breaths and long, breathy moans and they can feel each other on their skin after it’s over.

15 Touch

Cloud is constantly attempting to sort out tangible from phantom and he doesn’t move when Tseng carefully puts his hand around his waist, wondering if it’s the dead or his living.

16 Weakness

“He’s like a fucking woman, boss,” Reno tells him one night, “Needs to be fucking comforted before he’ll let you do anything...but all you have to do is tell him you won’t leave him, and you’ll score Strife,” he says confidently, and Tseng docks his pay drastically the next day for no apparent reason.

17 Tears

The man is sent to talk with him, sent to bargain with him over the support of AVALANCE for the new order, stoic and blank, a perfect ShinRa suit, a pretty picture for the company, and Cloud’s terrorist tendencies shine through (he wants to destroy it, he wants to tear this picture apart).

18 Speed

Tseng looks away from Rufus, and the force of Strife’s bike makes him close his eyes (you have to be the hero again, don’t you, as you never had a chance, I took away your chance…).

19 Wind

He’s an early riser, and understands that most people aren’t, but this is ridiculous…Tseng tries everything he can think of, aroma of fresh coffee, cold water poured over him, loud noise, so he resorts to being the wind and pushing Cloud out of bed onto the cold, hard floor.

20 Freedom

Tseng knows he can free the gasping, struggling boy (it’s not right that he has become an adult so quickly) from the scientist, but instead looks away and makes orders for him to be carried to the mansion (you were never mean to be free, were you?).

21 Life

This is their life - cold coffee, tiring meetings, quick removal of clothes, tense silence, then not.

22 Jealousy

Vincent Valentine, the ex-Turk whose protégé he had once been, has found a new hobby in discreetly hitting on Cloud, just to see the muscles in his once-apprentice’s face spasm…Tseng inwardly sulks, why is it that it is only at his expense that Valentine has found a sense of humor?

23 Hands

It is at a party, Tseng slightly tipsy and muddled (not as much as he claimed to be after), the cheering of some ShinRa grunt employees, that he laid his clumsy hand on Strife’s horrified face and leaned in for a kiss.

24 Taste

They can both cook well, Cloud from his mother, and Tseng from wherever the Turks all gained their unique and frightening knowledge, and the tastes blend well-thick, warm breads and strong meats from Nibelheim and tender fish and sweet, spiced vegetables from Wutai.

25 Devotion

Cloud knows that his new lover is serious, deadly serious, when he hands him a gun that was once his, and tells him not to hesitate to use it, as there is a new cult who seems to believe that Cloud killed an angel sent from a god looking to harm him, and he’s not sure of how hidden this location is…the blond wonders why he finds Tseng’s intense look and frown so utterly hot.

26 Forever
Sephiroth has always liked him, thought him competent, and answers his one question while Tseng is dying in a pool of his own blood, “Because he’s mine,” the tragedy says with smirk, “He’s mine, forever, he’s my own…” (he closes his eyes and prays as he dies).

27 Blood
This is a beginning-he finds Strife in a wet, infested alley, with startling blue eyes staring straight at the filthy wall and blood that isn’t his on his hands and it is all so pitiful that Tseng carefully, silently, regretfully leads him own (he’s always picked up after his own mistakes).

28 Sickness
Tseng is still human and can get sick, but Cloud can’t, so he lies beside a fevered, terse body and occasionally gets up to make broth.

29 Melody
Cloud discovers an old, untuned piano in a back room of Tseng’s apartment, and is so entranced that he doesn’t even notice as its owner leans against a wall and waits for him, watches him.

30 Star
A girl is actually brave enough to stride up to the suited, solemn Turk and the man with unnatural bright eyes and a sword twice the size of her on his back, and asks for picture, causing the Wutain to quickly hide a smile at Cloud’s bewildered agreement.

31 Home
Both their homes were burned to the ground by a crazed tragedy, but they had both forsaken them long ago and this shouldn’t matter to either of them, but it does, in the ashes.

32 Confusion
One day, Tseng wakes up and feels empty, but he shouldn’t and there is a stab of confusion before he looks beside him and Cloud is gone, gone, gone; he has drifted away like his namesake.

33 Fear
Turks can get used to anything in time, so Tseng has no fear of their reactions (except, perhaps, Elena), but AVALANCHE is an entirely different thing (Lockhart is a frightening woman), so the two decide not to say anything about it and bet on which party catches on first.

34 Lightning/Thunder
It is night, and Tseng has finally found him, pressed against his slender, wet body, in the rain and the lightning strikes a tree near them, Cloud is laughing dangerously and he slowly feels doubt dawn on him, wonders if Sephiroth appears in his lover’s face, will he be able to kill him, protect the world, but he doesn’t think about this for too long, as a the thunder mingles with his thoughts and the rain and the darkness and his mad, beautiful laughter and Tseng holds on tighter…

35 Bonds
Tseng stays with ShinRa, and Cloud doesn’t say anything, except when the blond is gently persuaded to talk and then there revelations about JENOVA, glass tubes, a puppet’s string and voices that dwell inside recesses of the mind, and he wants to cut off all of the filthy bonds that connect him to the company.

36 Market
There is a traitor that he is searching for, and Tseng stealthily travels the alleys of Wall Market, focused, until he sees her, a stunning blonde in a silk, purple dress with eyes the sky would be jealous of...the Turk stares for a moment, tries to print her face onto his mind, so he will always remember her, then walks away-back to business.

37 Technology
He sips his coffee, then turns the page (the Nibelheim Case), pausing for a moment at the picture of the trooper who killed the god, the one with the sad eyes that burn into him, whispering ‘you could have saved us, and you didn’t, now let us go, let us-‘ but he orders the Turks to recapture the subjects.

38 Gift
Cloud gives him a gift, one of the rarest gifts in the world, and freely, if grudgingly given…his cell phone number (and he even answers it).

39 Smile
The Turk doesn’t smile much, which is okay, neither does he, but sometimes Cloud will look at him and give him a small, rueful smile which he returns, and they get back to work.

40 Innocence
It would be easy to think him innocent, all delicate features and his pitifully hidden care for people, but then blue eyes meet his own, sharp and empty, and all illusions are shattered.

41 Completion
Being the head Turk requires far too much paperwork, hours until it’s all complete, and it doesn’t help when Cloud has nothing better to do then spin in slow, lazy circles in one of his chairs with long, cat-like yawns.

42 Clouds
When Tseng spots the cadet while prowling for Turk candidates, a lithe little blond with a knack for swords and anti-social, observant behavior, he turns his head to ask for the name, but closes his mouth, because he doesn’t want to be the one to break this boy.

43 Sky
Sometimes, Tseng wants to give him all of it, the world, the sky, all of creation, but then he realizes who was the last man to attempt that, and begins to search to find out if it was for the exact same reason.

44 Heaven
It’s always covered in that ebony-black suit, but he has a broad chest with a strong heart, and Cloud will occasionally lay his head on it and hear heaven (Tseng likes the feel of it).

45 Hell
Hell comes with him and sleeping, all defenses laid down and a gate open for all of them to come into; haunted, echoed Sephiroth, the screeching, encompassing love of Jenova, the “Niisan-Niisan!” of little children that never knew to grow up and Tseng is insomniac anyhow, so sleepless nights are the norm, and he doesn’t decide to leave him to escape Hell.

46 Sun
It’s like the sun…beautiful, life-giving, bright from a distance but actually a burning, destructive ball of gas that is enchained to fate, and only temporary.

47 Moon
You still can’t see the moon in Edge (they all know it’s just Midgar with another name), but Tseng sometimes breaks the rules and takes him to the top of the new ShinRa tower, letting him stare and remember for as long as he needs to.

48 Waves
Yuffie walks in on an impromptu make-out session, and the next week, Tseng visits Icicle Inn and a resident asks him if it’s true he’s with that Cloud Strife (he curses the ninja, and how fast word gets around).

49 Hair
Tseng remarks that his hair is vaguely resemblent to a chocobo’s crest and Cloud glares at him, righteously annoyed.

50 Supernova
He sees the mark of the stigma on Strife’s left arm, and looks away (feels something explode), none of this is right and orderly, something went wrong, because if he’d killed Sephiroth, Strife didn’t deserve the disease, he was a hero, and Tseng realizes that he wanted nothing to work out this way and he wanted Cloud Strife to save the world, and save himself.

final fantasy vii, !set alpha

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