Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Sephiroth x Tifa Lockheart
Theme set: Alpha
Rating: NC-17
Setting: Post-game canon, could either supplant AC or take place after it.
Author's Notes: Argh, sorry this took so long to do. The sentences are strung together to form a coherent fanfic, so are out of order. To be honest, I'm not entirely happy with
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...though, really, I think my favourite of that whole set has to be 46 - 50. Hee. Those were cute, especially 49. Seeephiroth got his haaair braided~ And would you believe that seriously gives me an idea for a fanart?
Thanks so much for your comment, I'm glad you enjoyed these sentences. I can't wait to see your fanart for it. BTW, is that your art in your icon? And is it Seph/Tifa at that? *wibbles*
No, it's not my art (I wish I was that talented!) but it is, in deed, Sephiroth/Tifa. I have a couple of others on my computer...I really need to put them up when I do an icon update in my graphic journal. x3;
I think KH2verse could do SO MUCH with a ship between those two. I really like your idea (that IS hot). XD Me, I've been going off a whole CloTi spin (I ship CloTi as well) where Sephiroth, as Cloud's darkness, shares Cloud's feelings and... lusts. >.> Cue scene where he shows Tifa exactly WHAT Cloud wants to do to her, and to which body parts. XD
I'll have to keep a look out for your graphic journal, as I would love more Seph/Tifa iconage. ^^
But, yeah, KH2verse has a lot you can do between them since you can do a whole variety of things with them. *cheers for AU games~!* But I like that spin of yours, it sounds really interesting. The idea of Sephiroth sharing the things Cloud feels? Oh yeah, totally a great idea right there.
But, uh, like sixtiespink said down below. *points and peers* I'm actually a big Seph/Ti/Clo OT3 shipper in KH2. Mmm Tifa Sammich~
KH2 has opened up a LOT of possibilities on the shipping front. For one thing, with the whole Nibelheim issue no longer around, one has a lot more freedom to play with Sephiroth's interaction with both characters, plus the fact that he actually interacts with Tifa as opposed to ignoring her in FF7 has a lot of potential.
I'm just a big Seph/Tifa/Cloud OT3 shipper PERIOD. Tifa sandwiches are the food of life. ^^ Any recs you could pass on?
As for friending me... as long as you don't mind friending me back! ^_^ Also, you may be doomed to be a beta reader for whatever Seph/Tifa fics I happen to churn out. ;)
*gets back on topic*
Don'tcha love it when certain fangirls can somehow turn you onto a pairing? I swear that's, like, seriously the best reason I've ever heard for turning to a pairing. And I used to ship Cloud/Aeris at a time or another...then I figured out that they had too-cheesy of a fairytale "romance" for me. I've been a CloTi shipper for...a long time now. I love those two to no end and I adore reading fics about them. Especially the ones about them and Marlene and Denzel. The family ones are the cutest ♥
But, ha, breaking brains is the BEST.
Seph/Tifa/Cloud only came open to me during I'm sort of looking towards the game and the movie and thinking how hot of a freakin' threesome that would be. That or maybe I'm just a sucker for the hatesex. MmmmTifaSammich.
Of course I don't mind friending you back, or having you friend me back, and I would love to be a beta reader for any future Seph/Tifa fics you write. ;) That would be awesomely awesome
CloTi is a lovely pairing. I like Cleris too, as I have a sort of fondness for fairytale romances, but CloTi has the HISTORY. Besides, Tifa was there first. ;) And frankly, I'll take either pairing over Seph/Cloud, unless hawt doujinshi are involved. XD
I am just waiting, WAITING for one of the more rabid S/C fangirls to freak out at the Seph/Tifa pairing and go, "OMG she'd never like him, he killed her father!" to which I can sweetly reply, "Oh, you mean like he killed Cloud's mother?" I am an evil bitch. XD Seph/Tifa/Cloud COULD work in FF7, I think, if you were dealing with a redeemed Sephiroth (as I often like to do). In fact, in one RP I was in, there was a very slim but still possible chance of that RP developing that way (mind you, it didn't hurt that redeemed!Sephiroth was in the body of a teenager ( ... )
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