Final Fantasy VIII - Squall/Griever

May 15, 2006 22:53

Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Pairing: Squall/Griever
Theme set: Alpha
Rating: PG-ish
Disclaimer: FFVIII isn't mine. Some people known as Square Enix own it.

Author's Notes: This is based on a rather screwy little plotbunny where Griever is a future version of Squall and junctioning him is the ultimate cause of Squall eventually becoming a GF.

Sorted into something like chronological order.

A few thanks to firefly99, usagivindaloo, angel_0f_sorrow, ozzypoos and anyone else who sat through me chattering at them on AIM while I worked on bits of this. It seems the best times I had working on this was when I had someone to natter to.

#33 - Fear
Squall refused to let Ultimecia's pet GF scare him.

#27 - Blood
He was steeped in blood - his claws, the spikes that protruded from his arms, the horns that crowned his head all stained in it - but none of it made him feel so unclean as the blood he was forced to draw while fighting against Squall.

#50 - Supernova
Griever remembered being that boy, facing the Shockwave Pulsar head on and thinking how like a supernova it seemed.

#39 - Smile
They had defeated Griever, Ultimecia would no longer rely on his power, but Squall was puzzled because it almost looked like the GF was smiling.

#20 - Freedom
Blazing in pain, feeling as if he was crumbling, Griever made one last effort to pull out of the junction with the sorceress, seeking out the only refuge available - himself.

#32 - Confusion
"You're me?!!"

#41 - Completion
The first time Squall junctioned Griever had felt like a lost piece of himself had been returned, and in a strange way, that was what it was.

#11 - Name
Griever - Squall Leonhart - somewhere along the line it had stopped sounding so ludicrous that they were two versions of the same person.

#35 - Bonds
Rebuilding the bonds of companionship from the other side of the equation was very strange for Griever, but it was probably the best thing he could imagine doing.

#09 - Telephone

#46 - Sun
It seemed rather inappropriate that the first time Griever got to see Raine Loire's grave in almost a millennium was a clear sunny day.

#37 - Technology
"There is absolutely no way I am going to let that little weasel Odine do anything to Griever!"

#49 - Hair
Griever didn't really miss the hassle of tending to hair.

#44 - Heaven
Summoning Griever and allowing himself to fall back into the GF's care was sweeter than almost anything he could think of.

#28 - Sickness
It was times like these, when Squall was snapping and snarling even at his GFs that Griever realized he really should have remembered how moody he used to be when he got sick as a human.

#08 - Happiness
Squall deserved to be happy and Griever would do whatever it took to give it to him.

#40 - Innocence
Squall believed that he had lost his innocence long ago, Griever knew that was not true.

#05 - Potatoes
As Rinoa stalked away, Squall frowned and picked the ring his now ex-girlfriend had thrown into his mashed potato, feeling strangely more upset that Griever’s crest was so defiled than he did by the break-up.

#17 - Tears
There were many ailments Griever could defend Squall from but he truly wished he could defend his human self from tears.

#01 - Comfort
He would always be there, one person Squall could trust, because he knew he would never betray himself.

#02 - Kiss
It was merely a gentle mental touch but to Squall, Griever’s action reminded him of the fatherly kisses he endured from Laguna.

#03 - Soft
Squall often found himself wondering if Griever's fur was soft.

#07 - Chocolate
Squall had always put on an act of distain for sweets, but he couldn't help smile at the mental purr from Griever when he let himself indulge.

#12 - Sensual
Griever had found a way to share Squall's physical experiences and reveled in being able to feel more than just rending flesh under his claws for the first time in centuries.

#15 - Touch
They would never touch, not while Squall was human and every summoning shunted him into Griever’s dimension while Griever was in his.

#47 - Moon
Moonlight glinted off his ring as Squall came to terms with the fact that he cared more for the GF that was named after it than he did for most anyone else.

#14 - Sex
Squall never knew he had the potential to be such a voyeur.

#42 - Clouds
"It doesn't look like a rabbit Selphie, it looks like Griever."

#29 - Melody
Squall would go into battle the sole listener to the primal melody of violence that was Griever's roar.

#18 - Speed
Speed in summoning was something that could make or break a battle, and no one could summon faster than Squall when he summoned Griever.

#34 - Lightning/Thunder
The closest Squall ever came to seeing Griever was hearing the thunder that heralded the GF's appearance before he was dragged away from the physical world.

#43 - Sky
Sometimes Squall wished he could summon Griever without being banished himself, the GF's tales of flying open skies were very alluring.

#22 - Jealousy
Squall stopped junctioning most of the other GFs - Shiva notwithstanding, Griever didn't like to share and Squall could live with that.

#23 - Hands
Though he knew they bore terrible claws Squall wished that just once he could feel the touch of Griever's hands.

#36 - Market
The problem, Squall reflected, at having a notorious GF is finding that a stall at the Balamb markets was selling plushies of it, and worse, having said GF wanting to buy one.

#13 - Death
Calling Griever became something people dreaded of Balamb Garden's Commander, enemies simply did not survive in the lion GF's wake.

#48 - Waves
The problem with summoning a GF while at sea was that the place one is standing is not stable, resulting in returning to an unceremonious dunking in the waves where one's boat used to be.

#25 - Devotion
In all the years of his human life after facing Ultimecia Squall never once unjunctioned Griever.

#31 - Home
Falling into the darkness that the Guardian forces came from only started to feel right when the elder Griever caught him.

#21 - Life
It was only when his human existence ended that Squall realized his life was just beginning.

#38 - Gift
Finally being truly reunited with his other half, as Squall became Griever in his own right, felt like the most precious gift.

#30 - Star
It would be remembered for a long time coming how they had, for an instant, blazed like a fallen star - when a living legend became an immortal one.

#06 - Rain
There was nothing to be proud of the first time he was summoned, only blood, rain and the quiet sympathy of his elder self when he finally slipped out of the physical world again.

#19 - Wind
The elder couldn't help be amused when his younger self returned from a summoning where a Tornado spell had set him to wing.

#10 - Ears
The problem with jagged horns was that he kept getting his ear caught on it and his elder self found it far too amusing.

#24 - Taste
The first taste of grief came when the latest in a long line of sorceresses changed her name to something far too familiar.

#04 - Pain
He didn't want to leave the elder, but he had to face his destiny - he had to join his younger self.

#16 - Weakness
He was reputed to be the strongest, but without his elder, he did not feel it.

#45 - Hell
His older self was gone, and now all he had left was a gleeful sorceress.

#26 - Forever
Griever wondered how he would face forever alone.

!set alpha, final fantasy viii

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