(no subject)

Feb 27, 2006 21:08

Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing: Heero Yuy/Trowa Barton
Theme set: Beta
Rating: PG - R
Notes: Sorry this took so long.  A quick trip to England and a new semester threw me a bit off course, but I'm proud to say that this is done!  Warning, some sentences are pure crud.  ^_~  This is one universe, taking place well after Endless Waltz, so a mild-spoiler warning is in effect.

#01 - Walking

Trowa took the long way everywhere, to the store, to the office, to the apartment that they shared because of rent issues and Heero could never figure out why he bothered when it was more efficient to simply take the shortest route, but then Trowa started to drag Heero along with him, especially when they'd had a bad day at the office or when that stranger at the grocery store started screaming at them and Heero should have been shaking when they got back to the apartment, because he had always been before, but all he felt was warmth at hearing Trowa's soft baritone saying hello to Mrs. Baker and her three year old in the park.

#02 - Waltz

Living as a mercenary from the age of five (or six, maybe, he didn't know either way) meant that Trowa hadn't been introduced to the upper levels of the human society, so when Relena and Quatre demanded that all the pilots attend a high fangled ball, Trowa had to ask Heero to teach him how to waltz, which took an entire afternoon because Trowa couldn't concentrate with Heero because, well, Heero was just being Heero and even though he still sucked at the waltz and preferred swing anyway, when Relena forced the two of them to demonstrate, he went along with it and tried not to trip just so Heero would catch him.

#03 - Wishes

When Heero brought home a kitten from the animal shelter the day after he'd overheard Trowa telling Quatre that he missed the big cats from the circus, he wasn't expecting to be woken up a week later at 6am by a slobbering puppy and Trowa lounging in only raggedy sleeping pants in his doorway, smiling.

#04 - Wonder

Trowa was an amazing cook and Heero would often find himself just standing in the doorway to the kitchen watching him move, speechless from the way the sunlight spilling from the window would caress and follow Trowa's every movement, almost as if it wanted to hold him as much as Heero did.

#05 - Worry

Trowa remembered sitting by Heero for hours after that stupid mission, holding the sleeping pilot's hand, unsure if he'd ever wake up.

#06 - Whimsy

They spent the day hiding from Duo and Quatre, tucked into an odd nook on the roof of one of the many Winner estates, staring up into the sky and making the clouds into fairy tale creatures and random bits of nonsense.

#07 - Waste/Wasteland

He was stuck in the middle of a desert, alone, standing barefoot on hard and cracked earth and staring off into the distance, unable to make anything out except for a figure, tall and lithe, that wouldn't stop moving away from him, even when he shouted and then the figure disappeared and … Heero woke up with a start, still reaching out and shouting Trowa's name.

#08 - Whiskey and Rum

After a particularly bad assignment all of the former pilots would gather at their apartment, with Quatre supplying the whiskey and Wufei supplying the rum, and they would drink until all they could remember were the good stories and all of their hate and anger and worry and fear would be washed away by amber liquid and friendly support.

#09 - War

Staring down the crosshairs, Heero couldn't help but feel that all of their sacrifices during the wars had done nothing but delay the inevitable.

#10 - Weddings

Trowa reached over and held Heero's hand while they watched as Relena proudly said, "I do."

#11 - Birthday

They would celebrate with vodka and lemon and stare at the ceiling, wondering how they never managed to leave this world behind and knowing that they never could.

#12 - Blessing

Trowa leans back against the cool metal of the tin trailer and watches Heero stomach another bowl of Catherine's soup, smiling.

#13 - Bias

He was always selected for the delicate missions and he tried to pretend not to see the disappointment each assignment would bring.

#14 - Burning

He was pressed against the door and they were kissing, finally, never wanting to stop and then the fire alarm started blaring right in his ear.

#15 - Breathing

He couldn't sleep and the ceiling wasn't getting any less beige, so he rolled onto his side and just watched Heero's chest move in an easy rhythm until his eyes began to close.

#16 - Breaking

Relena had given them all a picture she'd snapped at one of the end of the war celebrations that sat on the table by the front door and Heero was too busy comforting his puppy to care that its frame had shattered against the hardwood floors.

#17 - Belief

The day that Heero returned from the undisclosed Winner estate after a year, Trowa let Seiko, the no-longer-a-puppy puppy, greet him first.

#18 - Balloon

Heero never understood the use of the silly things, but he still had the little blue sword balloon that the little boy at the circus had given him tacked to his wall.

#19 - Balcony

They watched the New Year's fireworks from their balcony, wrapped in an old blanket and each other with only a bottle of wine for company.

#20 - Bane

Heero hadn't known why Trowa named the kitten "Bane," until he found his only pair of dress shoes shredded in his closet on the night of Relena's Holiday Gala.

#21 - Quiet

Heero loved it best when it was just the two of them in the apartment on a rainy day, working on the Sunday crossword - Trowa always knew the hardest words.

#22 - Quirks

The first snowfall of the year always found Trowa dragging Heero to the park, and then pelting him with snowballs.

#23 - Question

It wasn't about asking why things were being done the way they were, it was simply a matter of knowing when to push Heero into spending an extra hour in the shooting ranges or on the mats and when to just let him have his way in the briefing room - Trowa preferred the extra hours in the gym - less paperwork.

#24 - Quarrel

Someone once asked him why they never fought and Trowa just smiled to himself and thought that that person needed to learn the definition of discretion.

#25 - Quitting

They had never been quitters, any of them -  which was a good thing considering that the earth probably wouldn't be so picturesque if they had been - and so when Wufei threw up his hands (his badge and his issued sidearm) and walked out of Headquarters, Heero always went after him while Trowa was always joined by Duo and Quatre in destroying what pride or integrity the moron of the moment had on hand.

#26 - Jump

When Quatre and Duo invited them on a scenic trip around the colonies complete with space walk as a joke, Trowa made Heero take them up on it, and Heero trusted Trowa to know when he was ready to dive back into the water.

#27 - Jester

Heero knew that Trowa hated it when Duo acted like a clown and always called him on it by asking if Catherine had ever given Trowa back his half-mask.

#28 - Jousting

Standing at opposite ends of the kitchen, Heero holding a folder and Trowa holding a ladle and throats raw from shouting, Trowa was waiting for a flag to announce the start.

#29 - Jewel

Each of the pilots had a ring that they wore on their left thumbs, gifts from Relena at the first anniversary of both wars(theirs were three platinum bands braided together around a single blood red ruby) and neither of them had thought to buy new bands when Heero proposed - the rings just migrated.

#30 - Just

Heero didn't know the meaning of justice, but watching Trowa buy apples and oranges at a market on earth before a flight to L2 and knowing the fruit would be passed out before they'd even gotten to their rental, he knew he was learning from a master.

#31 - Smirk

Trowa had always thought that Duo had the most irritating smirk in the Sphere, at least until the day he and Heero woke up outside the trailer on New Year's Day after a night alongside Duo, Quatre, Wufei and Relena, with Cathy staring down at them from where she was leaning in her doorway.

#32 - Sorrow

Attending another celebratory anniversary dinner party, Trowa stood and walked out in the middle of the keynote speaker's speech, face set and determined; later the papers would say that he'd been furious at the gale of the man, who'd never seen a moments action in the wars, and Heero would keep the sight of the tears in Trowa's eyes to himself.

#33 - Stupidity

The mission had been horrible, all too similar to the ones that they'd faced before, and they should have known better, but not one of the five felt any remorse for their actions, despite the dressing down from Une.

#34 - Serenade

It took a few weeks, but Trowa finally figured out why Heero kept changing his cell phone ringer on him.

#35 - Sarcasm

"You said you liked this color!"  Heero protested, his clothes covered in paint, while Trowa laughed in the doorway.

#36 - Sordid

It was with a sense of disgust and very well hidden glee that Trowa thrust the dirty cop into the cell with the criminals he'd arrested - Duo may forever getting on his nerves, but no one tried to take him out on Trowa's watch.

#37 - Soliloquy

Heero would never admit it, but he was forever muttering in Japanese, especially when he was hard at work; Trowa would never admit it, but he was forever turned on when Heero would start doing it in bed.

#38 - Sojourn

"You're afraid that this won't last, because of your past experiences," the psychologist guessed when Trowa refused to talk about his nightmares, but wouldn't shut up about Heero and Seiko and Bane.

#39 - Share

It'd started out small, a tie here, a shirt there, but gradually, the only pieces of clothing they knew didn't belong to the other were their pants - Heero never did get that growth spurt he'd been promised.

#40 - Solitary

Even with the screaming crowd that had gathered outside the hotel where the magazine had made its public announcement of it's 'The Top 25 Hottest in the ESUN' article and the promised party raging in the ballroom downstairs, none of the former pilots wanted to do anything but finish off the vodka and rum and kick each other's asses at poker, though Duo really wanted Heero and Trowa to stop cheating.

#41 - Nowhere

Staring at the calendar, with one date circled in red, Heero wondered at how neither of them had said more than three words to the other in a week - everything had gone stagnant.

#42 - Neutral

They were the mediators, bringing Chinese or Thai and bad beer when Duo and Quatre were hoarse from screaming and when Relena and Wufei were sick of the silence.

#43 - Nuance

There were degrees to Trowa's body - a kiss to the jugular made him sigh, a nail scrapped over the hard plain above the bellybutton made him moan, that angle made him scream - and Heero was fluent in them all.

#44 - Near

The couch had a single depression on the center pillow, the exact shape of their bodies.

#45 - Natural

The nightmare came for five straight days and Heero thought nothing of walking to Trowa's room, barefoot, and standing in the doorway until Trowa opened the covers for him.

#46 - Horizon

The sky was red and orange and faintly purple above their heads when Trowa kisses Heero in front of their cheering friends and family.

#47 - Valiant

Heero sat at Trowa's bedside as Duo depicted how Trowa had stood up to an entire street gang focused on two twelve year old girls.

#48 - Virtuous

Heero relayed the guilty verdict to Trowa's still unconscious form.

#49 - Victory

The doctor was smiling when he told Heero that Trowa was expected to wake within the day.

#50 - Defeat

Flanked by Duo, Wufei and Quatre, Heero allowed the tears to blur the vision of the coffin slipping into the wet earth.

gundam wing, !set beta

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