Fandom: Angel
Pairing: Angel x Xander
lirm35mTheme set: alpha
Rating: Teen
Warnings: none, really, except that there are spoilerish references to Ats season 5 up to and including NFA.
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine, but I'd have thought that that was pretty obvious :)
Notes: Gah, sorry this took so long, I was going strong with the idea when the hiatus came, but by the time the group was re-started and the posting rules were changed, I had lost steam. Anyway, I took the time to make this into a game for myself, so I used the prompts, in order, form a ficlet. Oh, and I've also taken the liberty of severely challenging the definition of the term 'sentence', LOL.
Click here for Xangel-y goodness ;-)