school is INSANE.
DAAP has royally screwed up any kind of regular NORMAL eating and/or sleeping habits. I eat approximately twice a day...at 7:30 am and...well, 3. When my school day starts and ends. I eat like junk. My diet consists of frozen pizzas, macaroni and cheese, and pizza rolls. Yet, with the combonation of hugely spaced-out meals and next to no sleep, i've managed to shed 7 pounds in a little over a month. Probably not a good thing. Yeah...probably definitely not.
But school is good. Very stressful, but good. I managed to create a paper mask that I was actually happy with. Meet Mr. Prickly: A porcupine mask constructed only of paper, no glue no tape no NOTHIN. I was near tears Sunday when I couldn't decide what animal to do, how to do it, etc. But it all managed to come together. You can see another photo and my instructions sheet
fairly simple to put together, only 4 pieces!
but yeah, School and Friends are the only two positives present right now. My apartment is breaking apart before my eyes. Our heater doesn't work, and there are now FIVE leaking areas when when it rains. Bastards better get here soon to fix it. I have to sleep in a parka, basically. Yet, even with the dripping, cold-as-balls apartment, I can't help but love my room still.
On top of the house mess, my computer is almost dead. I only get 15 minutes of battery life on this thing now. Hopefully it will be an easy fix with a new battery though. So, we'll stay positive until they tell me otherwise.
Oh, and did I mention I was freezing?
Anyway, as to not leave on a depressing note, my halloween has been pretty alright. Not so much in the party area, but in the hilarious costume area. Me and a group of friends decided to dress up as the Pressing World Issues Tour. I attended mass parties as
My other friends went as Drug Trafficking (crossing guard with a stop sign and powder on her nose), Global Warming (giant globe with mittens, scarf, and ear muffs), Gay Rights (dressed up as a rainbow on only the right side of her body), an Oil Spill (all in black with sea creatures tied to her), and Teen Pregancy (two dudes - one dressed as a baby, and one dressed as his mother). Overall, our costumes were a hit. And though the parties were lame, we had a great time making people laugh. But the holiday isn't over yet...the real get together is Wednesday night. Can't wait.