
Apr 18, 2004 22:51

'tis been quite a weekend...
Friday: Hung out with Les,Jordan,Brittni, and Kevin.... Got stung by a wasp on the neck.... i still have a huge red swollen spot from it....first we went to get britt and kevin then we went to walmart then we went to walnut ridge to play pool and we just sat down and talked, and then went to sonic in walnut ridge to harass jessica.. another one of my teacher friends..... then after that... we went and took Kevin home, then Britt... Then we went and sat infront of Jessicas house and waited for her to get home which was at 1:00 a.m. there were 14 year olds (her neighbors) out side drinking and rolling down the hill in trash cans..... and i was laying in the back seat, and i opened the door and stuck my head out... and they started talking to me and telling me i was drunk and high and stuff... and i was like to tell you the truth... ive never drank nor have i ever done drugs... it was really weird... then i shut the door... and they all started talking to me and they were like heyy dont leave me hangin' it was psycho crazy..... im not aloud in jessicas house.... for fear that i might swell up and die.... im like deathly alergic to cats.... its pitifull... but neway around 1:30 they took me home... i went to bed.. got up on saturday..........

Saturday: i was at home and packed ( we bought a new house and it closes on tuesday!) neway.. i packed til around 2 and then i had to go practice for Sunday(today) because Jordan and I were singing... so iw ent to pracitce...we practcied like twenty minutes had it down, jordan took me to my mom, we went home... i packed the rest of the day and talked on here and went to bed early..... woke up and it was... guess.... TODAY!!!!

Sunday!: Well.... went to church... music this morning was fantastic, everyone thought so... then me and jordan sang an acoustic version of "give me one passion"... and then church was over, we went and ate at branding iron (jordan les jess and michale and i).. Then we all departed, and we drove around..we stopped at the park by the river (the one with the skate park and stage and junk)and at the end of the summer we are going to have like a HUGE concert... we are gonna have 7 bands there and we are gonna do it at that park.... Its going to be awesome... we are talking to people about sponsoring us already,and are going to tell the radio stations about it.. we are hoping for it to be that big... but neway we went and planned some of that.... then we left and jordan was like.. wanan go to jonesboro?.... so we were like ok... so we went to jonesboro... found some new teaching literature for him... and then we decided to come home because they had a meeting at 5....well on the way home i was like lets go find a vehicle for me... soo... we went through walnut ridge.. les was like try flippos... and we pull in and i fell inlove.... Ive wanted a black blazer... and i found one... its a four door '97 four wheel drive black blazer.... its great..... Jessica thought i should get an Al Camino or some other old model car she says it would be great.. ha.. but neway im in love with it..... So we went to church for J's meeting...then something happened.. so i am going to request prayer for our church... i had the story but i decided that it shouldnt just be put out here for all to know.... so i removed it..After that we went to rodney and kristis with Jordan and jessica and we prepared a mexican meal, played pool, then went to the church talked to jordan then to walmart then home... but im uber tired, so i am going to go to bed.....

*hope kingsdown had a great recording weekend... u were in everyones prayers here we <3 you!*

Im kind of copying off amber.. but it seemed to get lots of comments and i like comments so heres my thing...
*describe me in one sentence*.... and then ill do the same for you... and then everyone go partake in ambers thing lilsoutherngirl :) Bye Bye

<3 to all eukaryotes
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