
Jul 13, 2005 00:42

Livejournal. We've fallen out of love and now i'm back for my second rendevous. Here's a cleche LJ quiz to reaquaint us.

Current music: Planes Mistaken for Stars
Current taste: breadstick..
Current hair: looking good.
Current clothes: coloring changing t-shirt, comfy jeans
Current annoyance: My Chemical Romance
Current smell: Detergent
Current thing I ought to be doing: Sleeping
Current windows open: AIM, MYspace
Current desktop picture: fish
Current book: strange things
Current cds in stereo: Every Time I die
Current crush: Adam Pittman
Current favorite celeb: John Stewart
Current hate: not being rich

Do I...
Smoke? Yes.
Do drugs? No
Have sex? No.
Have a dream that keeps coming back? yes.
Remember your first love? of course..
Still love him/her? yes...
Read the newspaper? yes.
Have any gay or lesbian friends? yes.
Believe in miracles? yes.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? I would hope so, however things become less vivid and exciting over time, I'm sure it's been done.
Consider yourself tolerant of others? not really.
Consider love a mistake? absolutely not.
Have a favorite candy? heh. nerds rope.
Believe in astrology? uninterested
Believe in magic? In a young girls heart, maybe!
Have any pets? Yes
Go to or plan to go to college: plan on it.
Have any tattoos? not now.
Hate yourself? no.
Have an obsession? yes, several.
Have a secret crush? not secret.
Have a best friend? yes.
Wish on stars? yes.
Care about looks? yes.

Love life...
Single or attached? attached.
Ever been in love? yes.
Do you believe in love at first sight? no.
Do you believe in "the one?": yes.
Describe your ideal significant other: Well, I'm pretty sure his name would have to be Adam. I think he would probably have to tickle me with his beard scruff when we kissed too.

Juicy stuff...
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? no.
Have you ever been intoxicated? yes.
Favorite place to be kissed? forhead, always
Shy to make the first move? no.

First thing coming to mind...
Rubber: shoes
Rock: core
Green: jolly
Wet: towell
Cry: baby
Peanut: planters
Hay: cow.
Cold: me
Steamy: shower.
Fast: hard.
Freaky: black.
Rain: man.
Bite: neck.
Suck: face.
Blow: coke.

Is punk rock dead?: geh. who cares.
Vampires- cool or uncool?: not too cool.
Is the government going to hell?: dont care.
Do you know what AFI stands for?: A Fire Inside
Wasn't the CareBear stare just the coolest thing when you were little?: never heard.
Summer or winter?: SUMMER
What is the best form of art?: abstract.
Are you allergic to poison ivy?: no.
Ever hang out with Mr. Peace Pipe?: Occasionally
What year in school was the worst?: 8th
# of friends on your buddy list: over one hundred
How many people have you kissed?: three or four.
Have you lost touch with friends in the past few years?: yes.
# of people you talk to on the phone regularly: one.
Ever had sex?: no.
Oral?: floral?
Does the word "wang" make you laugh?: yes.
Would you ever go "down under?": no.
Road trips are great, huh?: agreed
Have you ever been on one?: yes
Have you ever gone out of the country?: no.
Would you ever live out of the country?: yes.
Let's go to India together: okay.

How about the drive-in?: never been.
What was the last movie you watched?: Mean Girls
The cutest actress is: Neve Cambell
What about actor?: Mr. Pitt
Best band: theres so many
Ever been to a local show?: yes.
If so, what band did you see?: ag. bleh.
Best music genre: i like many.
Do you like emo?: sure.
Ever gone to the opera?: no
So what did you think?: liked it.
What about a broadway play?: no.
What are you thinking?: getting ready to leave
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