Dec 14, 2005 10:15
I am sooo over school today.
Generally, my work ethic is really strong, and I'd usually be preparing for my seminar next block, not today my friends, not today.
I have finals coming up, and also a newspaper deadline thats driving me absolutley insane. I've basically decided that without me at the meetings, newspaper crumbles to the fucking ground and disenegrates! The first meeting before a deadline that I am forced to miss comes, and everything goes totally haywire. Hmmm.. Fuck. Starting immediatley after christmas break I'm taking a hell of a lot more control over the entire situation, hints the name "student paper".
On a completley unrelated subject, I think I have solved the great mystery of why in the fuck Americans can't legally smoke marijuanna. It's not because the government cares about us, in the least bit, we can buy guys at Wal-Mart for fucks sake! It's not because the government is scared of a national addiction or anything, cigarettes and alchohol are totally legal. It's because the government wants Americans to become addicted to THEIR drugs, not ones that come from poor countries like Mexico and Columbia. They want us to see a commerical on TV for Prozak or Paxil, and have one of the 30 symptons that the commerical boasts. Then, they want us to go to our doctor who will write us a subscription to said medication; which could ultimatley lead to us actually becoming depressed, thus jumpstarting the vicious cycle all over again. Did you know that taking Paxil or Prozak without having an actual chemcial imbalace of seretonan in the brian could actually drastically increase the chances of someone commiting suicide? GEE DOC, DON'T THINK TWICE BEFORE ASSUMING SOMEONE HAS A CHEMICAL IMBALANCE SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY SAY THEY ARE FUCKING SAD. What a joke, what a pile of shit. Basically our government would rather get people addicted to a drug that could result in their sucide than legalize marijuanna, the most harmless of drugs that there is.