Feb 17, 2010 00:34
Hey guys
I know it's been long since I last posted and you all are waiting for the updates of my stories. I wish I had more hours in the day to work on them, but sadly I don't. Conflicting schedules and all. So, I need your help for something to make my life a little easier. I posted a summary for one of the upcoming stories on my livejournal. ALL of you have shown extremely positive feelings towards it and for that I am grateful. One major problem to my starting it is finding a title. I thought and thought and asked you guys too, most of you want some sort of floral connection in the story. So I made up some titles inspired by your entries, now it's up to you guys to decide which title best suits the storys needs. I am trying to make a poll here, so please take some time and do it. Thanks guys...you are all very important to me and I love you all very very much...Ani
So the titles are:
1) Rose Veil
2) Veil of Eden
3) Rose Perception
4) Bloom of Fate
All you have to do is just underneath the respective titles write Aye that's it. I'll make separate answer postings underneath this one and you all just have to post aye for the ones you agree. I want to close this pole by the 24th of this month so that i can count and then post the results, but since many of you are busy this one will be open till the 4th of March, so take your time and really think about it ok? Thanks guys...
new story