May 08, 2006 22:28
"What contest did I win in Hell?" - Everybody loves Raymond
Ok, I was histarically lauphing when I heard that. I mean it's funny, but mostly I was lauphing b/c I'm going insane. Haha, but no really. I have been soOoOo bored lately. It has given me a lot of time to think about things though. Normally thinking, for me, is a bad thing b/c I over analiyze everything. This time though I have just been thinking about what I want to do this summer and all that jazz. Also, on Saturday it has been exactly one year since senior prom. I was just remembering how fun that was and all. I really can not believe that my Freshman year of college only has two days left. That is crazy! It went buy so fast! It is insane how different things are, but then how certain things have stayed the same. Eh ok well that is pretty much it. Tomorrow I am planing on studying my butt off, packing, and hanging out with my friends for the last time :(. O yea, and it is Niki and Betha's 19th B-days, so I just wanted to give a shout out to them woot woot! On Wed i have two finals, and then my padres are coming to help me finish packing, and then we are going to go back to Dub C! So I am going to be pretty busy for the next couple days... I think. i am soooo excited to see my brother and sister this week! I can't wait! My brother is going to junior prom on Sat. and I am super psyched that I get to be there to see him in his tux and all! Ok, well I am going to get going! I don't/can't sleep anymore, so I will probably read, or watch TV... anything but study hehe. Well, hope you guys have a good last week! Say goodbye to your college friends(the ones that I know anyway) for me! It is so weird isn't it?? Saying goodbye to your college friends. I think the weirdest thing is going to be not going down the hall just to chill, you know? Well, I have my brother and sister, haha. YES, I am a looser just to answer your question hehe. ok! Well I really am leaving this time! Laters!
p.s.- Pray for my friend, he got really sick over the weekend and had to go to the hospital. Not only does he have to worry about finals and packing, but now he has to worry about his health too.
p.p.s- only two more nights with the crazy roomie.... then I will finally get sleep *yeyness*