Apr 17, 2005 10:38
yo dudes wuts poppin i went bowlin last nite and it was the shit except 4 wen i got 2 gutter balls with bumper lol don't know how i pulled that off but it was cool. i went with chris p, alex p, chris f, taylor, brooke, kelly, emilio, courtney, my sis, michele, rudy, and then conner came later and i saw sinead. ya it was pretty fun and we really sucked but we looked so hot in those bowling shoes. i ma going to the beach today so i can get a tan. yup school really sucked this week. and i got into a fite with this fat kid who was pissin me off at hockey but it was all good cuz i got a goal. my coach from last year paid me for gettin in the fite and for the goal. so ttyl i m out xoxoxoxoxoxo Niki