What do you know, I'm still alive. XD
If you're curious about what has happened in my life for the past three months (and therefore think it's the real purpose why I'm posting again), I will summarize for you:
1) I started working at my family's hospital, and I don't have internet connection there so that's partly why I've limited my visibility on teh internetz;
2) I have an active social life now for some weird reason but there has been this constant struggle that I keep getting frustrated about - which makes me wish I didn't have a social life instead orz; and
3) Europe trip! But of course that's too long to elaborate and I'd rather tell stories in person. |D
But the real purpose of this post is in keeping with my
Christmas tradition: Virtual cards! ...but not quite. XD
You see, I've been wanting to write cards/letters for years now but I never got the chance to, mainly because it's actually expensive, lol. But now that I have the money, I've decided to send holiday greetings via air mail rather than via the internet. Here is where you come in! /shot
Comment in this post your address along with the name you want me to put in the mail - don't worry it will all be screened - and I shall reply to your comments once I've sent the mail (and I also expect a comment once you receive it, but don't worry I shall arrange a different journal entry for that. |D). Depends on where you live, it'll take about 1-2 weeks. :)
So there, I hope this post didn't seem as long as I made it to be, but well, I always ramble for some reason. xD
Also: Happy birthday to all September, October, November and December celebrators! Hope you all had awesome birthdays. \o/