I think the successive posting is due to excitement finally building up, and most of you know why there is such excitement. |D
Anyway, this is not really news, or anything, just a very interesting meme. :D Come to think of it, I haven't done memes in a long time. Stolen (with permission XD) from
frostbittenlove :D ♥
1) Make a list of fifteen characters first, and keep it to yourself for the moment. (That way you're not leading the questions asked to fit the characters.)
2) Ask your f-list to post questions in the comments.
For example:
'One, Nine, Eleven and Fifteen are chosen by a prophecy to save the world from Four. Do they succeed?'
'Under what circumstances might Five and Seven fall in love?'
'Which character on the list would you most want on your side in a zombie invasion?'
'What would Two experience in Silent Hill?'
'What Pokémon would Eight have?'
'Write a drabble in which Two and Twelve FIGHT CRIME.'
3) After your f-list has asked enough questions, round them up and answer them using the fifteen characters you selected beforehand, then post them.
I honestly haven't thought of my fifteen characters yet, but I will! And yes, I might just come up with random people from the Japanese entertainment industry. orz
So suggest away! I hope to get good responses from this :D :D :D
(I still have an entire week to waste anyway XD *shot*)
ETA: I forgot to screen the comments in case you don't want your suggestions to be read by others. |D