short vacation is short

Sep 12, 2009 15:02

I hate to think about it, but I'll be coming back to school again this Monday. My dad had a point when he thought that I enjoyed school far more than I did work, but. VACATION is still the best of them all, if you ask me. ¬_¬

A-Anyway, another one of my lovelies is celebrating her birthday today (why do I have so many friends having their birthdays in September???), and I hope I'm not too late for this. :D

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANDYYY~ (theproudpenguin)! ♥♥♥

Let's start with um, the best one. *cough*

I... honestly don't know if I did this GIF with you in mind, but. There's a possibility, since I'm presenting this to you now. I hope you like Aiba shaking what his mama gave him. XD

This, is a part of GIF-a-thon I've wanted to finish (and still haven't ;__;). Sneak peek? I don't know. LOL.

And because I know you adore fanservice:

Also, here. Have some Sho!fail :D

See, even Sho likes it.

Well, just to summarize, you are one awesome woman (How many times have I told you that?), and you're one of the first people that made me feel loved in this fandom. ♥♥♥ I love you!! :D And I love that you love Arashi sooooo much. Wish I could say the same. Happy birthday, Sandy! ♥

I'm really not in a coherent mood right now, so now for fangirl outbursts... XD

* Becky is so awesome you guys. I totally loved her guesting in HnA. More than ever, I think I ship Becky/Aiba. Though it's funny how she seems to be totally convinced that Aiba could only become a friend to her. LOL.

* Speaking of Aiba (yes it's probably not a surprise anymore that he's my current niban), MY GIRL!!!!1!!1 ...okay, I'm that excited. And really, I'm very happy because it will premiere a day after my birthday. ♥ Did I mention I like Yuuka too? *_*

* Presidential Elections will be next year, and I'm old enough (*weeps*) to vote, so my sister and I went to the Municipal Hall yesterday. I love how our conversation went.

While filing up the application forms...
Me: Haha, civil status... what if I wrote something in the "Spouse" blank?
Sister: You should write Nino's name.
Me: XD

* Also, my dad boasts he was singing Love So Sweet while playing golf with his friends. :Db

My mind's a blank, lol. Now I'm watching Kite Runner on HBO. Really good book! I recommend it. :)


rl: family is love, fandom: arashi, arashi: aiba masaki, me: fangirling, specials: birthday, drama: my girl, rl: dad just pwns, me: friends are awesomesauce

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