-First week of work is probley always the hardest.
-I only get paid once a month.
-But hey money is money right?
-My nose is stoped up.
-My weekend was pretty lazy.
-Yesterday I woke and walked out of my room and these three guys were stairing at me.
-Two of them were my cousions the other was a friend of theirs.
-If it was three guys not related to me or friends of thiers that would have been awesome!
-Today I layed around the house like a bum.
-Starr and Steven came over.
-Starr prebought me the last Harry Potter.
- As far as Harry Potter....
-I wished I lived in London.
-Enough said about that....
-Next weekend I'm goin to a cookout.
-I have a feeling its goin to be cold.
-Guys are so confusing I wish they were a book so we could read their emotions.
-Just so we can read them and put the book back.
-Trying to figure out what their thinking is interesting to me.
-To see what their thinking about us ya know?
-Its so hard to figure out what their thinking!