Yesterday seemed a bit long: For that matter today hasn't exactly flown by. I've had exactly one call today at work, and it was simply a request to have old equipment picked up for recycling. Not exactly a chance to show off my 'mad skillz.' Yesterday, after dinner (sumptuous pork cutlets with fried potatoes, gravy and corn), I went out and unpacked my bike. I'm embarrassed to say that it spent a year exposed to the elements while we were living in Odessa. Fortunately it doesn't seem to be too much the worse for wear. After Jerry and I managed to get a hose put together for the air compressor, I was able to inflate the tires and take it for a quick ride 'round the block. I really need to wash it up. Also aught to treat the grips with something, maybe Armor-all. I chose not to ride to work today, namely because I thought I might be running an errand during lunch. Tomorrow, however, I don't think I have any excuse at all. I want to clean up a backpack if I can find one, and use that to carry my coffee and water with me. Currently I'm carrying a messenger bag, and I know that I don't care to ride with one. Even the very short ride last night was exhilarating. There's just such a wonderful freedom in powering yourself along.
Today's icon again comes from
hoorayiwake . I mushed the image, changing the aspect ratio to make it fit. While it looks a little strange, I really like it. The picture in no way constitutes a desire or effort on my part to cease eating meat. That said, I am trying to reduce the size of the portions I eat, and I am very rarely eating burgers or bacon. I love a good hamburger, but they are so calorie laden. Of course when we start using the grill regularly I'll be having them with more often, but the benefit of grilled is that most of the fat is cooked out of the meat. Provided I only have one burger, instead of the two I'm capable of eating, I'll be fine. Our country has this strange, near religious, obsession with bacon. I don't really understand it. I like bacon, it's a nice addition to breakfast every two or three months. On those occasions, I usually have between one and three pieces. That's about as much as I care to have really. It tastes great, and I love the experience of eating it, but if I had it more often it would become dissatisfying.
Hopefully this weekend I can pick up enough veggies to put together veggie snack bags. It's something I did a few years ago that really helped me with improved eating habits. I used sandwich size ziploc style bags, and filled them with carrot sticks, celery sticks and radish slices. I usually ate half of the bag around 10 AM and the rest around 2 or 3 PM. It was enough to reduce my appetite at lunch, and stop me from snacking when I got home from work. It also helped when I was in an environment of doughnuts, cake and cookies around every corner. While I don't have to dodge that deathly trio nearly so often now, eating a snack would help with the cravings I get mid-morning for something sweet.