today was a good day. i got checked outta school just b/c i didnt want to stay. then i went to the class tonight. it was awesome. yesterday was my birthday. it was so much fun. we went to bethanys house. we did this little thing around her neighborhood, and i was with will and bethany. it was like the most fun ive had in a while. i love them so much. theyre great friends. yea anyways. saturday i went to a bible class in huntsville. i got to see a lot of my good friends. EMILY!!! we had an awesome time there see-sawing for hours, and then watching ben and michael try to push each other off the mountain. oh and that british guy. haha good times. yea and then after that i got to go to the cullman celebration. o wow good times. i got to see matt (lou lou) and kerri!!! it was awesome. i love kerri so much. yea anyways. ive had a good week so far. hope it'll stay that way as long as i can.
*i said what i said because i meant it. i didnt mean for you to cut me out of the picture completely...*