(no subject)

Mar 15, 2006 16:03

party on friday! :]
spring break = camping.
you want to come camping, trust me :P
just ask me or ryan for more info.
life is good, k?
except people need to grow up & stop hating.
for real.
i get a car as soon as i get a job,
& me & jeff are going to get applications
as soon as my silly dad gets home with the car.
i'm just really excited about getting a car so soon :]

here's something cool we got in woman's studies.

Individual Rights In Dating Relationships
1.) Socialize with anyone you choose
2.) Express your opinions and be respected for them
3.) Pursue your own interests
4.) Expect that an apology means something
5.) Be believed by your partner
6.) Share your expenses in a manner that feels comfortable with both of you
7.) Be treated as an equal
8.) Have your needs be as important as your partners
9.) Have the secrets you tell your partner kept secret
10.) Privacy to not tell your partner everything about your life
11.) Share responsibility in decision making
12.) Expect a promise means a promise
13.) Say "no" to sex or any other acts at any time and have it be respected
14.) Have your feelings taken seriously
15.) Keep love letters and pictures from old relationships
16.) Make your own decisions
17.) Change your mind
18.) Feel safe with your partner.
19.) Fall out of love and break up with someone without being harassed
20.) Say "no" to anything
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