Apr 17, 2004 03:13
So its official i am the only one who is home tonight:) I was way to sick to do anything tonight anyway.
I have molly for the weekend b.c mark is in Maryland. She is so cute. WHATS A FERRY? hehe well anyway. I was watching I want a famous face and these people make me sick. Really like you have to spend 15,000 dollars to make yourself feel comfortable? WTF! after seeing that shit its hard for me to even think about going to do it. Its gross anyway. You have to sign a release form that states something about DEATH. I must say it again, DEATH.
Oh god i had this dream that snakes were crawling all over my bed. So i get out of bed and go downstairs. I sleep on the smaller couch b.c my pops was on the big one and im all crunched and shit. So i have my one lil pillow that mark made me and i fall asleep. My dad kinda woke me up when he got up so he said that i looked at him and said something like those snakes were gonna get me if i didnt get up.. er something like that. Its amaizing how your mind plays tricks on you. This one time i tried this diet well more like a fast b.c i read that yuo should fast 3 days a month. LOL that didnt work out to well. I woke up at 4 in the morn eating chips in my kitchen. Its crazy. So much for that. Diets suck anyway. SO does having an eating problem:) I tell ya i could be like 100 pounds and still feel fat.