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Nov 04, 2008 09:30

Been trolling websites and making phone calls around Ohio to encourage people to vote for Obama. Yikes.

"I don't really like either candidate, but I know abortion is wrong, and that's how I'm voting."
Okay - that's your issue of choice, I get it. Something to think about: Republicans have probably been in office 30 years since Roe Vs. Wade was first decided, and it still hasn't been overturned. If you're against abortion and want women to have fewer abortions, don't you think it would be a good idea to prioritize making our country a decent place to live, with readily available health care, so women are less inclined to have abortions? Don't you think it would be a good idea to make our economy healthy, so that people have jobs, and money to raise children?

"Obama's gonna take our guns away!"
Interesting. What makes you think this? Has any Democratic president in history repealed the second amendment? No? Do you think that maybe Republican stumpers are just saying such things to get your riled up? No? Huh....

"Obama's from Chicago, and Chicago is one of those most corrupt places in the country!"

I will now return to my regularly scheduled Portland, Oregon bubble, and frantic praying that Obama will emerge victorious, and I'll have a reason to celebrate this evening.
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