MAC Laptop:

Feb 24, 2008 13:40

I just bought a Mac Laptop off of my friend Tim for 650$. So, this counts as my first Mac ever. It's a little weird owning one. I'm still getting used to it, and figuring out my way around in the system. So far so good.

Still no luck on the laptop, external HD, or WACOM. The guys I was talking to in Chicago seemed more content to just jerk me around than to actually be useful. In the end they said they're just going to throw my stuff away...*sigh*

If any of them are listening or reading this, I'm still available for discussion. Just send me pics of my stuff to either my e-mail or my phone (you have both). And I'll be more than happy to wire you all the money you want.

Aside from that, not much else is going on my end. The weather has put a kaibash on working recently, and that's gonna hurt my paycheck, but such is life. I need to keep job hunting for something better than 1-800-GOT-JUNK, Doug just isn't doing it anymore, and this job hasn't really paid what it promised it would when I signed on. No insurance, no benefits, no nothing. Honestly, I'm kinda hoping I come across some more stuff I can start eBaying soon so that I can MAYBE recuperate my losses, at least a little...we'll see on that note I suppose.

Mandy and I are doing ok, all things considered, so that's nice.

I'm still working on games. I'm hoping to do some playtesting with Tim tonight with regards to Blood and Leather. Then I'm gonna get back to working on Dragon Chess. Yes, O.X.E.N. is still in the works, it's hanging around in the background, and I know I've gotta get my ass in gear on it, but unfortunately it requires more servicing than my brain can actually manage to give it right now.
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