Hey everyone! As you may know, today is the first day of DexCon, and as usual, I will be attending and staying at the hotel, so though I'll have access to the internet, I won't be on NEARLY as much as I usually am.
I am running 4 events, 2 O.X.E.N. and 2 Cyberpunk. I will be running more demos of O.X.E.N. during the length of the convention.
All are welcome to visit, play, and enjoy! I hope to see most, if not all, of you there!
If you need details, go to www.dexposure.com
BTW, for those looking for a gift to get me for my birthday (July 30th), here ya go:
I'm not usually one to be like "I want that!" but this time...yeah, gonna be very much of the "I want that!" persuasion.