Name: Jules
Series: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
AU?: No
Full Name: Buffy Anne Summers
Timeline: (Point in canon that you are taking them from.) {Skip this if Game!AU}
History: (A link to a sufficient summary of character history like a wiki page. If there is nothing that can be presented, write it out to the best of your ability (while not tl;dring too much) (If this is AU, do a small summary of their life and events up until day 0)
"I've been through more battles with Buffy than you all can ever imagine. She's stopped everything that's ever come up against her. She's laid down her life-literally-to protect the people around her. This girl has died two times, and she's still standing. You're scared? That's smart. You got questions? You should. But you doubt her motives, you think Buffy's all about the kill, then you take the little bus to battle. I've seen her heart, and this time-not literally. And I'm telling you, right now, she cares more about your lives than you will ever know. You gotta trust her. She's earned it."
- Xander Harris
Buffy is a study in paradoxes. She can be both an incredibly strong character and an incredibly vulnerable (although never weak if she can help it) one at the same time. She yearns for a normal life and yet knows that her destiny lies in heroing and that she’ll never have the white-picket fence fantasy. She doesn’t even know if she wants that. She’s invincible at times and the complete opposite at others.
” See, I've had a lot of people talking at me in the last few days. Everyone just lining up to tell me how unimportant I am. And I've finally figured out why. Power. I have it. They don't. This bothers them. “
Still, it all comes down to power. Who has it and who doesn’t. Buffy is a woman who has had a lot of horrible things happen in her lifetime, and this has led to an almost insatiable need to have control over her own life. She’ll often be the first one taking charge in a situation, and years of being a leader have conditioned her to make those hard, quick decisions that no one else will. She is both an idealist and infinitely practical, and those two sides of her have clashed more than once throughout her life. People rely on her, and she has a hard time dealing with that because she doesn’t always know what she’s doing. She’s not always strong, but she pretends that she is for the sake of everyone else. But that’s a source of her insecurity, that she’ll ultimately fail in protecting those that she loves and…everyone else. Because the aforementioned idealism in her? It manifests in her need to save everybody and solve all of the world’s problems, and it’s so frustrating to deal with the truth that she can’t. She’s tried to be a cold-hearted general-type person and pretend that the loss of life didn’t faze her but she failed so, so badly at that. It all comes down to power and control and her balancing her abilities with the greater…forces of the universe, per say.
”You feel that, right? How the anger gives you fire.”
The face that most people see is the confident, strong young woman, but deep down she does have a lot of insecurities stemming from many, many things. Firstly, love, passion and emotions in general - they’re a very scary thing to her. Every single one of her relationships in life have failed, and failed horribly. It’s her tragic flaw - when she loves, she loves too hard and when she hates, she does that too. Her judgement is easily impaired because of emotional issues that cause her to do reckless things. She wonders if she’ll ever have a stable, normal relationship and whether or not she’s destined to be alone all of her life but she also…wouldn’t give up her emotions for the world. Without them, life would be infinitely dull, wouldn’t it?
Two, she thinks she’s dumb. She doubts her ability and sometimes rightly so. She doubts her humanity and her own self worth, disillusioned by years of letdowns and traumas. Yet she’ll always eventually get back up and refuse to be beaten, even if it takes her a while. Emotional obstacles are harder because she can’t simply punch them out of the way, but it’s in her nature to emerge in one piece, if not victorious.
Her life has been defined by death and abandonment and she herself has died twice, which has changed her outlook on things. Her humor is best described as gallows humor, and her propensity to crack jokes while in the middle of a daunting situation may be unnerving to people. But really, that’s just how she deals. It makes her appreciate the remaining friends and family that she does have very much, and she’s so incredibly loyal to them. She’s very insular while still being outgoing - she’ll be alright with making small talk and the like but to really, really let someone new in is hard for her. When she loves, she gives away bits of herself and she’s been hurt too many times to do that too easily. Still, it’s worth it to overcome these obstacles to earn her friendship - she’s devoted enough to the people she loves to sacrifice her own life for them rather than see them die.
Speaking of which, Buffy is technically a ‘needs of the many before the few’ person, but when it comes to putting the needs of ‘the many’ before her friends or most importantly her sister Dawn, she can’t do it. She’s incredibly hypocritical at points because of this and other points where she doesn’t exactly practice what she preaches.
Giles: If the ritual is complete, every living creature in this dimension will suffer unimaginable torment and death. Even Dawn.
Buffy: Then the last thing she'll see is me protecting her.
Buffy can also be incredibly self-righteous at times (which is a large source of hatred for her in fandom). She’s opinionated and won’t hesitate to tell you when she thinks you’re wrong, although to her credit she manages to stick to her own code of ethics and can be incredible compassionate and kind. She can be obnoxious at times and poke fun of things when it’s not exactly appropriate. She has a superiority complex and thinks she’s better than her friends and others because she has powers, and yet believes at the same time that she’s the lowest of the low, not worthy of their love. She can be bossy and pushy and even bitchy, sometimes refusing to take other’s advice when she’s stubbornly (or pigheadedly) convinced of something. She’s also reluctant to take orders, and even when it’s absolutely necessary she’ll end up interjecting with her own opinions and plans.
She bottles her problems and sometimes keeps major secrets for selfish reasons and has the tendency to somehow run away from her problems when they get too overbearing (but in her defence, when things get bad in Buffy canon, they get really bad). She hates to admit when she’s wrong. Buffy isn’t perfect as some people (Faith) may think her. She’s simply a woman, or a girl-woman, or somewhere in between.
And despite her doubts, she is still an ordinary person in many respects. She makes bad jokes and equally bad speeches. She breaks things because she doesn’t know her own strength. She lives for the times that she can kick back her stylish but affordable boots and watch cheesy kung-fu movies (she’ll always criticize the fighting styles) and eat greasy junk food and laugh with her friends and shop for shoes and clothes and have chocolate. Those little moments are what makes life good.
Powers and Abilities: As the Slayer, she is basically an enhanced human. She has super-human strength, speed, agility, reflexes, flexibility and heals far more quickly than other humans. These abilities are given to all slayers once they are activated. Buffy also has had extensive training in hand-to-hand combat, as well as training with various weapons (rods, stakes, crossbows, swords, etc), thanks to her Watcher, Giles. As the Slayer she also posesses the memories of all previous slayers.
Buffy is unique in the sense that she has prophetic dreams, although she has them at rare intervals. For example, she saw her death at the hands of the Master in season one before Giles informed her of it.
Starter Inventory (Any items that are on the person upon arrival)
Anything else?: ('d like to add?)
Item of choice: (See Notes)
Pick two of the following....
Network Sample Can be a sample radio broadcast / network post. Voice only, no video.
Post Sample An actionlog post with action brackets..
Prose Sample A sample prose-log post. (200-300 words minimum is fine)
Thread Link A link to a thread. (must be minimum 10 comments from your character. Actionlogging within the thread is a major plus.)
Tutorial Fight Thread with an NPC. You don't literally have to fight, but you will be threading with an infected. (Note: This may delay the processing of your application)