OOC: Question the Pups (April)

Apr 30, 2009 17:11

1. Who is your character's confidant?
Akihiko, or Shinjiro are the closest Mitsuru gets to confidants. They're the ones she knows the best, and are the easiest for her to approach. (Her father doesn't count for exactly that reason; as much as she loves him, she isn't all that comfortable sharing any problems with him.) Sarah might eventually qualify as well, as Mitsuru is beginning to find how difficult it is to stay silent or sweep things under the rug when talking with her.

At the same time, it's still difficult for Mitsuru to really open up to someone and share any deep rooted problems. This is due to trust issues, and that whole perfectionist streak.

2. Is your character married? Does she have a lover, significant other, girlfriend, boyfriend?
No, and the prospect of marriage is a mix of being inevitable, and not something Mitsuru looks forward to. It's something she sees as an eventual duty, to continue to Kirijo family and solidify any alliances they have. And maybe if she's really lucky, she'll be engaged to someone she'll eventually love, like her parents.

...And then there's Akihiko, who is so nicely messing up this entire paradigm she's made. Poor, poor under leveled Empress s-link.

3. Whom does you character live with?
She lives in a dorm, shared with a group of supernatural entity summoning, pseudo-suicidal students. All of them together form the big, happy, slightly dysfunctional S.E.E.S. group.

4. If you were to use the speed dial function on your character's telephone, who would answer?
I'm tempted to say her father, but knowing the weird dynamic between those two, it's more likely that it's her father's secretary who would pick up.

5. How does your character feel about her co-workers? What are they like?
Yukari: Is probably one the biggest patience builders in Mitsuru's life right now. First, Mitsuru had to get over the disappointment that Takeba would not be able to fully replace Shinjiro (which wasn't a conscious thought, but still there) and then she had to learn how to deal with a girl who, personality wise, was the exact opposite of her. Mitsuru does everything in her power to keep Yukari distant, and her relationship with her strictly that of upper and lower classmen, or even business partners.
Minato: Mitsuru is beginning to open up to Minato slightly, in the sense that she'll give him five words of conversation compared to Yukari's two. It probably has to do with the fact that 1. Arisato has some incredible skill with summoning Persona and 2. He hasn't breached the professional arrangement she has with S.E.E.S like Yukari has.
Shinjiro: There's a fair amount of tension with Shinjiro, mostly because of what happened in the past. Right now she tries to give him space, and let him reach his own decisions. At the same time, he's one of her closest friends, and she'd never completely abandon him. (And often, her controlling tendencies get the better of her, and ends with Mitsuru doing something to try and improve what she thinks are Shinjiro's shortcomings.)
Akihiko: Mitsuru's relationship with Akihiko is going through some changes, and she's not certain how exactly to deal with it. Ignoring it in favor of work hasn't been successful, (even if she does sometimes try to fall back on that) and talking about it is awkward, to say the least. She's still realizing what exactly it means when she thinks "I want him to stay with me" and just how deep that goes. And still, he ties with Shinjiro as being someone extremely close and important to her.

6. To whom did your character give birthday presents last year, and what did she give them?
Her father, Shinjiro, and Akihiko. Her father was given some fine wine, Akihiko some sport equipment, and Shinjiro recieved one of those encyclopedia sized cook books.

7. What did your character receive for her last birthday?
Several books, either for furthering her own education or for leisurely reading.

8. What is your character's favorite holiday?
Christmas. It's actually not because of giving/recieving presents, but because she really likes seeing the lights and decorations. It's a nice change of scenery for her.

9. What is your character's least favorite holiday?
Halloween ranks VERY high up there, due to LOL-inflicted reasons.

10. How close is your character to her friends? How well do they know her?
Very close. She only has two, and she's shared almost three years of fighting Shadows and mundane life with them. They've shared a lot in terms of secrets, personality quirks, etc.

11. What is your character's darkest secret? Who else knows about it?
TARTARUS, and all the backstory surrounding it. There actually should be a large number of people within the Kirijo Group that know about it, mostly people in the immediate family or in high places. All the same, it's not information Mitsuru is willing to share with outsiders; Akihiko and Shinjiro are the only people she's ever told.

12. Does your character have any siblings? What sort of relationship does she have with them?
None! In the headcanon, I think there was some pressure for her parents to produce another, male heir, but that didn't go through for whatever reason. Still, she's an only child.

13. What is your character's favorite hangout?
Somewhere with lots of books; libraries, bookstores, etc. There's something comforting about having lots of shelves stacked with reading material around her. Another close one would be beaches. She has a summer retreat in Yakushima near the coast, and similar areas probably have a nice emotional resonance with that.

14. Where does your character feel the most safe?
Surrounded by books, or buried in her notes. Studying is very cathartic for Mitsuru, and allows her to focus solely on it instead of any difficulties she might be facing.

15. Is your character a "regular" anywhere? What do the other people think of her?
There's probably a few fancy and ritzy cafes that she frequents; the people there would immediately recognize her as a Kirijo, and as such would give her the proper amount of respect and personal space; private booths are a go.

16. If your character went to a zoo and didn't have time to see everything, which animals would she look at?
Probably not the bears. She'd want to see the big cats, most likely. Especially the tigers, and probably the leopards as well.

17. When your character goes shopping, which stores does she frequent?
Delicious French bakeries and book stores would be the two major types of shops for Mitsuru. Since she has a family stylist, she's never really gone clothes shopping, and quite a few of the other stores types (CD stores, etc) might be daunting in the same way that fast food restaurants are.

18. What is your character's financial situation? How does she feel about it?
More money then God. Or at least, her family has enough wealth that Mitsuru almost takes it for granted at times. (Or at least, she doesn't react much when it comes to finding briefcases full of money in Tartarus.) While she does appreciate the stability, and the fact that she can easily indulge in things, not to mention the amount of social standing it gives her, Mitsuru doesn't really consider it a free gift; all that wealth is something she needs to be worthy of inheriting.

19. What hobbies did your character have once, but has since given up on?
Gardening, or more specifically going out once a day when she was an ickle child and watering flowers; her birthday hibiscus, or just favorite flowers in the garden. She gave up on this when she got older, and decided it wasn't very appropriate for a Kirijo.

20. Has your character ever been fired from a job? If so, why?
Her only job is preparing to take over the Kirijo group, so no.

21. Has your character ever quite a job? If so, why?
See the above; the idea of being disowned or walking out from the group would be appalling to Mitsuru, if she ever even considered it.

22. Does your character have any children? What kind of relationship does she have with them?
None, although she expects she'll have some one day, since that's another duty she has to the Kirijo Group. There's probably a subconscious desire to be a good mother, but also one that will teach her children to be successful and strong.

23. Does your character like to read? If so what does she read, and under what circumstances? Is she a casual reader or a die-hard fanatic?
She's a bookaholic. Reading is equal parts past time, skill sharpening, and catharsis for her, so Mitsuru reads some sort of book at least twice a day.
*Make up the titles of three books your character has read in the last year.
Life Through Leaves: The History of Tea
French on the Go
A Contemporary Guide to Troy
*Go to an online book store and find three real books your character has bought in the last year. Has she actually read them?
Fox, Martin Wallen
My Life in France, Julia Child
Schools and Masters of Fencing. From the Middle Ages to the Eighteenth Century, Egerton Castle
...And all of those have been read cover to cover. Chances are, those could have been just part of her reading list for the last month or so.

24. What is your character's favorite type of music? Does he have any favorite musicians?
She prefers the classical genre, and really enjoys composers all across the board.
*Make up the names of three fictional bands your character feels strongly about.
It would probably be easier to note the bands she despises/does not understand at all. So, that would be modern, Engrishy rock bands like:
Juice of Lotus
Gas Chamber
*Go to an online music store and find three real albums your character has bought in the last year. Does she still listen to them?
Callas La Divina
Heart (By the band artist, Stars. This was a purchase driven purely out of curiosity for her.)
Mozart: Don Giovanni
She still listens to Callas from time to time, but found that she had to give up on Don Giovanni. Poetic justice at the end or not, it wasn't a story that she had all that much patience for. And she secretly does put on some Stars music and similar alternative music from time to time.

25. Your character wakes up to find that war has been declared. What does she do?
Contacts the heads of the Kirijo Family, first of all. She'd want to figure out just what their plans were in the event of something like that.

26. When she was a child, what did your character want to be when she grew up?
A world traveling, diplomatic businessman; just like her father and grandfather. (Back when the latter was sane.) It took some work for ickle!Mitsuru to make the adjustment to businesswoman instead.

27. Is your character doing the job she always thought she wanted to do when she grew up? If so, is it all she thought it would be? If not, why not and does she have any regrets?
In some ways, she is. Mitsuru has the distant pipe dream that when she's the right age she'll be able to start traveling abroad; both to study, and to secure business deals with the Kirijo Group's clients and partners.

At the same time, it isn't quite what she expected back when she was a small child. It isn't as simple, for one thing, and her position obviously isn't quite the same as her father. If Mitsuru has any regrets over this, she does her best to shove them down into the back of her mind and not consciously acknowledge them. As an heir to the Kirijo Family, she has no room for anything like regret or hesitation.

28. What does your character wish she could do that she can't? How badly does she want it and what would she do to get it?
Being able to somehow, briefly distance herself from her family name is something Mitsuru wishes she knew how to do. Not in the sense of breaking all of her ties with the Group, but more of being able to do things without worrying about what sort of consequences they might have for the rest of the Group, or her position in it. (This is probably why she does enjoy the Nexus and keeps going back there despite all the trouble it causes. Mitsuru might not be aware of this, though.) She doesn't really know HOW to achieve this, though, much less how she'd go about getting it.

29. What item does your character wish she possessed that she doesn't? How badly does she want it and what would she do to get it?
Mitsuru has access to just about anything when it comes to physical possessions. BUT, if she knew of something that could completely eliminate Tartarus, the Dark Hour, and Shadows, Mitsuru would probably do anything short of murder to obtain it.
*Think back to when your character was five years old, eight years old, twelve years old. Write a holiday gift wish-list from her point of view.
Five: A nice doll/stuffed animal, and the biggest, shiniest picture book in print. Going off of some fan comic scans, (i.e, the BUNNY CLIP.) I like to think that Mitsuru liked things like rabbits and other small fuzzy animals at the age; she probably sometimes wished for a pet.
Eight: In the P3 timeline, Mitsuru would be eight when she first summoned, and the Kirijo experiments were terminated. By then, she'd be making the shift to being a proper young lady. (And a very distant, reserved person, as well.) So, she'd want books that were less about fantasy and more about information. Her sweet tooth would also be in full swing by then, so she'd also wish for things like cake. That desire to have a small fuzzy animal probably wouldn't have been completely kicked, though. It might have solidified into something like a cat or a dog instead of a rabbit, though.
Twelve: Books, books and more books. Also, she might have started asking for things like perfume, and even nail polish.
*How does your character feel about physical possessions in a general sense?
She values them, but at the same time she has a great deal of money so there's always the opportunity to replace them if necessary. The only exception to this would be items with greater sentimental value.

30. What is your character's most treasured possession?
Either her Evoker, or her motorcycle. The motorcycle because it's her way of getting away from things for awhile, (and it also GOES FAST) and the Evoker since it's her way of summoning her Persona which lets her fight and slowly fix the mistakes made be her family.

(And since this fits in with the 'info on pups' theme of this entry, there's also an eleven post entry on Mitsuru's character over here on the RP Advice meme.)

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