May 06, 2005 01:14
It's 1:15 in the morning, I have only half ass studied for my Anthro Test at 11, and then I have to spend 3 hours in lab because I screwed myself over. What a way to start the weekend.
Today was awesome, I woke up, went to Starbucks as usual, and while I was there standing outside with Brian, I had an idea. So off I went, kidnapped Kayz and went off to the beach. Fun times, although we never made it to the actual beach. Made it the "bury" to see Apollo, went to lunch, and then drove back home. I don't know if it was so much the act of just getting the hell outta of the area, but somehow by the time I got back everything seemed like it was gonna be ok. I think I am gonna need more of these lil getaways. The drive I guess is always the best part, talking, singing... just plain ol venting. Hell though, it was nice to just think of it and go. I don't know if Kayz really had any clue what was going on when I got to CP to get her, considering I woke her up told her to get dressed and to get into the car, lil did I know she had to be home by 5. And as we were half way there, is when I remembered I had this stupid test to take at 11. If not, I would have just skipped out on MOCO all together today and droped Kayz off at home and then headed right up to Ship to be with Kim. Everything happens for a reason I guess. But it sucks, would have been nice to spend some time with a Dawg in her neck of the woods. Anyways, moral of the story... not everything has to be planned, and when you need to getaway, just leave!
So everything is gonna be alright. School is over for at least 2 months next week. Can't wait. Oh, and I got a job... how does $15 an hour sound?!?!?! Sounds awesome to me. I don't know how I fall into these things, but somehow I do. The life of Jenny King. And love, I'll find it, but for now, I'm not gonna go looking for it, it will find me when it's ready to. Gonna take care of me for a while. Work my ass off, pay people back and save like a mother so I can get the hell outta here as soon as i can. Not to say that I don't love my friends, and my family, but anyone who really knows me, knows that I have always wanted to do things on my own. Make the way for me on my own, now I know I wouldn't be where I am today with the options I have now if it weren't for my parents, but I'm 21, and it's really time I grow up. So here I go starting over, well, not really starting over, but I'm gonna do it this time, and I am gonna do it on my own. So by the end of the summer I will make enough to pay all my debts and just start providing for myself. No more hand outs from daddy. Who knew growing up costs so much money. Plus I have my awesome end of summer trip to look foreward to, a week with my cousins in FL, we are gonna have a blast. Plus my sisters wedding, this is gonna be an incredible summer, I just really can't wait. Life is good, and right now, I am happy and content with what I have, and that's all I could really ask for. I guess I never really realized how lucky I really am. But damn, I really couldn't ask for more.
I'm getting sleepy from my pills, and really just wanna hit the hay. I love you all. No doubt in my mind that I always will. One more thing, I just wanna say thank you for everything everyone has done for me. If you know it or not, each one of you has taught me something about myself, and I thank you for that. Can't wait for summer to start, can't wait at all. I really do mean it when I say thank you and when I say that I love you.
Good Night!