Atheists Have the Worst Public Relations Department EVER!

Dec 05, 2008 11:44

I'm not sure if it's willful ignorance or a genuine lack of rudimentary social skills, but it seems like every time atheists make some sort of public display, they end up looking like douchebags.

Like for example, this display which they posted next to a nativity scene in Olympia, Washington.  It reads:

At this season of
may reason prevail.

There are no gods,
no devils, no angels,
no heaven or hell.
There is only
our natural world.
Religion is but
myth and superstition
that hardens hearts
and enslaves minds.

Now of course they have every right to use their freedom of speech as they see fit.  It's just difficult to see what they think they are achieving by reinforcing the stereotype of the atheist as a condescending naysayer who uses 'reason' as an instrument of bludgeoning. This is equivalent of a civil rights activist saying "stop being racist or I'll pop a cap in your white ass."

The conversation in Atheist HQ must have gone something like this:

Atheist 1:  Did you guys see that nativity scene?  We should post our own propaganda as a response.
Atheist 2:  Sounds good.  Let's do something funny.  Like a giant Flying Spaghetti Monster strangling baby Jesus with a noodly appendage.  Or maybe a big diorama with NOTHING in it.  Get it? 
Atheist 1:  No.
Atheist 3:  Me neither.  Let's just post something that will piss off Christians and get our names in the paper. 
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