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green_tales November 8 2008, 00:44:38 UTC
did you know that someone (or more likely a team of people) translated the WHOLE BIBLE into LOLcat-ese?

The Kosher Rules:

Offurings is liek good an all, buts teh haz to be not flawZord cheezeburger, and you can bringz it to mah front d00rz," saiz teh Ceiling Cat. Youz to put yer pawz on teh cheezeburger, n sai, 'Sarry for the pwnage, but u no how it is an stuff, kthxbai.' N then you is to kill teh Bullock (O NOES! Not teh Sander Bullock! She B hot n all!) in front of us d00dz, n leev teh meesy cheezeburger joocez all ovur teh playce, gross. Iz U retardid? Tehn take its buns off and cutz it up, so for kittehs no choke. But then you are all leik, 'Cheezeburger wai too rair! DO NOT WANT!' So then you mayk a big fire for to grill it up taystee n stuff kthx. Then you, liek, grill it up taystee n stuff kthx. But then thair be pikkulz and onyuns n crap on it! O NOES! BLECH! Tayk that garbajge off and stik it up yr harbl, we iz not amused. Srsly. Then we can has it now? Kthxyum.


39 Wash yur pawz before eeting teh Cheezeburgerz noob.40 I meen, I iz watching u fap wiff teh same pawz!!!

hehehehe :)


1hoser November 8 2008, 02:19:56 UTC
Wow, seriously? The WHOLE Bible? I thought I had time on my hands...


green_tales November 8 2008, 02:52:03 UTC
no kidding - that's waaaay too much work. I don't know if it's the WHOLE thing - I'll be honest with you. I didn't flip through every single page to see if it was all there. Besides, I gave my bible to a satanist, so I wouldn't have anything to compare it to.

and there's LOLcode, too - a whole programming language that looks like teenybopper 'puter-speak. And it seems there're cash prizes for various elementary programming assignments (info at http://lolcode.com/ - assignment is calculation of square roots)

have you ever been to 4chan /b/?


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