Oct 21, 2005 17:01
Fun fun survey day! I <3 weekends!
1)What stickers do you have on your car, if any? A Michigan State Gymnastics bumper sticker, a Livonia Stevenson bumper sticker, and a LUGZ bumper sticker!
2) What posters do you have in your room? Some U of M gymnastics ones, and a poster of a really hot Cosmo guy named Alan. lol
3) What do you hear right now? Channel 7 News in the background.
4) If you could drink anything right this second, what would it be? Cran-raz juice.
5) Does anything hurt on your body right now? Oh yes! My lower back muscles and my hip/butt muscles... damn front tucks.
10) What's your bf/gf birthday? December 11, 1987
11) What was your elementary school's mascot? The Tyler Tigers and the Hoover All-stars! lol
12) What's your favorite bottled water? Ice Mountain.
13) What's the next concert/show you're going to and when? No idea.
14) What were you doing at 9 pm last night? Taking Chris back to his house after Survivor.
15) What's your favorite Starbucks drink? Hot chocolate. I hate coffee.
16) Do you exercise as much as you should? Probably not. I should work out more often.
17) Did you attend your High School prom? Not yet! It's this upcoming May though!!!
18) Did you go to someone elses prom? No. :(
19) Would you give your bf/gf a second chance if they cheated on you? Ummm... I'm not sure. I haven't had that happen, and I hope it never does. I'll figure this answer out if I have to.
Something purple within 5 feet of you: computer game box.
If the Matrix existed, would you want to know? ooo good question. Probably not. I'd prefer to be naive.
How long can you hold your breath underwater? Around 20 seconds maybe?
Your nails were last painted? Today!
The weirdest thing you've ever heated in the microwave? lol I tried to heat an Arby's roast beef sandwich with the wrapper on. It caught on fire and then went out after the 10 seconds I was heating it up for was over. lol.
Ever done the Electric Slide? Nope.
How much Japanese do you know? Konichiwa! lol.
sparkly things? Love 'em!
Ever crash a car, been in accidents? Nope. And I hope never.
Do you look good in yellow? Bright yellow, yeah.
Do you sing? Yeah.
Ever sang in front of a crowd? Yeah, in 7th grade choir.
Do you dance? Yup.
Is your hair long enough to chew on? Yes.
Least favorite color? Um... pale colors suck. Like peach, and pale green. Ick.
Favorite kind of pizza? Just cheese.
Ever had Dippin' Dots?: mmmm heck yes!
Ever played an instrument?: The recorder. hahaa.
How old were you when you got a cell phone? 8th grade? 9th grade? I don't remember.
How old were you when you got your first car? I don't own one, it's my padres.
how many tickets do u have? None.
How long have you been driving? 3 months.
How many parking tickets? None.
Do you own your own car? It's my padres.
What kind of car is it? 1997 Mercury Villager van! Tan and beige baby! haha.
Do you want to get married? Yes
At what age do you want to get married? mmm... early to mid 20s?
Have you ever been married? engaged? No. I'm too young.
At what age do you want to have kids? Around 30. Maybe after 30. I want to live before kids.
How many kids? Possibly 2. Max would be 3.
Not much else going on. Umm... it's been a long week. Finally Friday. Tonight me and Chris are going to try that new Pizzaria Uno place. Saturday I have work 9-3. I think I'm gunna hang w/some lugnastic ladies afterwards. Then Sunday, me, Dave, and Matt are gunna hang out after Matt's off work. I'm pumped! I <3 those guys! HECK YES GVSU BOYS! lol. That's all for me. Peace kids. I <3 u all!
<3 Pajzzzz