Ups and Downs, that's what yesterday was.

Jul 02, 2005 11:30

Senior pictures yesterday were AMAZING. I had sooooooooo much fun!!! You really do feel like a model. Got there around 2:45 to Focal Point. It is so nice there. It's quick and everyone is really friendly. But anyway, my photo lady's name was Marj. She was awesome. Very nice and she picked some really cool poses and backgrounds and stuff. I had 3 outfits. My formal one was a bright blue shirt and black pants, then I had a casual one with a bright pink shirt, white pants, and bright pink sandals that were like, high heeled or whatever, then I had another one with a black shirt and jeans. OMG. I did like, A BILLION poses for each outfit. haha. And some of them are soooooooooo unnatural. It's hard to hold the pose. Then she says, ok, tilt your head a little more, A LITTLE MORE, ok, now lift your chin, down half way... lol. I'm like, omg, take the picture, I can't hold this pose any longer. It was so fun. And my hair actually looked good when I wanted it to for once. Amazing. I hope I have some good pictures come out of that. I wish it wasn't over, because I want to do it again! lol.

Ok. So the pictures take about an hour and a half so I get out around 4:30. Got some ice cream and went home. Then I go over to Chris's and we go to some restaurant at Marshall Field's for dinner. Then we're sitting outside of American Eagle waiting for his sister and mother to finish shopping and he breaks the news to me. He's like, in the middle of Westland Mall, I was surprised by my family and for spring break next year me and Ben and Dan and our families are going down to Florida and I get to have Geoff come with me. It's a boys thing. OMG. Yeah, so forget spring break. I was, and still am, very much pissed off. Ok, well just forget all of us doing something together! What the hell!? What am I supposed to do now? Where am I gunna go? So I got all upset, naturally, and when we got back to Chris's house I called my mom and had her pick me up. I wasn't gunna hang around with him. I was like, balling the whole way home and for the next hour. So pissed. What am I supposed to do now? I thought we would all plan something together and maybe have some parents go with us because we aren't trusted to do anything. That's my next topic. Parents. Our parents, as in our group of school friends's parents, are so... what's the word... strict. Ok, I've done NOTHING bad in my ENTIRREEEEEEEEE life and still I am not allowed to stay out really late, like, past 12, we have to check in to ask if we can do things, dude. It's sooooooooooo gay. I'm sorry, but I am not about to change now and go out and become a huge drinker or something. They like, don't trust us, but we're the most trustworthy and responsible kids out there. *sigh* I hate being made to do what the padres want you to do. Thank God college is only a year away. Yahoo.

So I was all upset, but then I found out we're going to Philadephlia in the last week of July so that should be fun. We're driving so we're stopping at places along the way. I'm excited about taht. Then the 11th we're driving to Iowa (ok not fun, I know) to help out my 88 year old aunt. So that's not fun, but on the way back we're stopping in Chicago to visit my cousin Darryl and his fiance Liz. So that will be the best part. Then I got all happy and I called Chris and we went to Ritter's! haha. Brian was there and he gave us our ice cream for free. He's such a nice guy. I was wearing my new GVSU sweatshirt, too, and Chris was wearing his hat. It was kinda funny. He's going to honors college there, so that's sweet. That's where I wanna go, too!!! :) Yay!

So it was an up and down kinda day. My moods fluctuated. I'm still pissed about SB '06, cuz it's already off to a bad start and we haven't, or I haven't, even thought about it. And now I'm limited to what I can do and everything. I wasn't meant to be excluded, but I was. *sigh* Nothing I can do about it.

Sorry this is so long. I'm gunna go shower now. Just got up. Peace.
<3 Paige
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