I = hate you

May 24, 2004 16:13

Well I'm going to try to sum the past few days an "organized" summary...
Got very bored sitting at home so I decided to go to My Brothers Place.  Sam was grounded so I couldn't see her, It = gay.  So I went and hung out with Ryan.  The bands were slright, I haven't seen level 8 in a while so it was cool.  They put on a decent show that I enjoyed.  Little sam came home and spent the night with me.
I got up and found out that Stefan and Alex and everyone already left so I called Ryan and got him to go with me.  We got to HFStival at like 1, we took Metro there.  We bought our tickets and like right as we got there, we saw danielle, she was there with her family.  We walked around a bit, I went to mash and crowed surf durring Yellowcard.  Right as I went in I got hit in the finger and now I have it in a bandage because it's fractured.  I migled alot.  Saw some good bands.  Highlight was NFG, friggen great show, got into a fight during it though with some kid that pushed me away and tried to take my spot in the front of the crowd.  I don't play when it comes to music.  I found cammy later on and hung out with her while Ryan talked to Danielle's sister and Danielle and her boytoy danced to jay-Z.  Me and her went down with her friends during offspring, good show.  Then I found Ryan before the Cure.  That show RULED, but we had to leave ot catch metro.  It took like an hour to get through the lines at the Metro station, then we forgot to call my mom so we hung outside Branch Avenue for like and hour, Scurry.  Then we called a bunch of people while we waited, haha. 
Went to skate for the tryouts for owens.  I doubt I made it, I hade a fractured finger that kept messing up my concentration, gay.  I went to the hospital and got it bandaged, fun.  I talked to sam when I got home, she did awsome to the max at her dance competition.

Now I'm getting ready to go skate because my fingers are tired.
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