Who had sex with your mom? BERT DID!

May 06, 2004 12:28

001.[What is your name:] Robert
002.[Spell your name backwards:] trebor
003.[Date of birth:] 4/9/89
004.[Male or female:] Male
005.[Astrological sign:] Aries
006.[Nicknames:] Rob, Bob, Roby, Bobby, BERT, Berto, and the occasional “Crap Face”
007.[Occupation:] Chick-Fil-A
008.[Height:] 5’10”
009.[Weight:] 145
010.[Hair color:] Brownish, golden, blonde, blackish, with a little red.
011.[eye color:] Blue
012.[Where were you born:] Norlfolk, Virginia
013.[Where do you reside now:] Maryland
014.[Age:] 15
015.[Screen names:] Mybl00dy r0mance
016.[E-mail addy:] Blacklabel24@msn.com
017.[What does your screen name stand for:] Senses Fail
018.[What is your caleida name:] That sounds like some sexual prostitute street name
020.[Pets:] 2 cats, a dog
021.[Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake:] 15
022.[Piercings:] Lip
023.[Tattoo's:] none
024.[Shoe size:] 12
025.[Righty or lefty:] Righty
026.[Wearing:] NOTHING but a leaf
027.[Hearing:] Bright eyes
028.[Feeling:] Sick
029.[Eating/drinking:] orange soda, YYEEAAH

104.[How many siblings do you have:] none
105.[What are your parents names:] Chisti and I don’t know my dad
106.[What are your siblings names:] none
107.[How many siblings does your mother have:] 2 full brothers and 2 half sisters
108.[How many siblings does your father have:] 2
109.[Where are your parents from] Tennessee and Virginai
110.[Is your family close:] NO and its good that way
111.[Does your family get together for holidays:] umm… some of them do my part of the family just gets drunk
112.[Do you have a drunk uncle:] 3
113.[Any medical problems run through your family:] too many, I’m not living past 20
114.[Does someone in your family wear a toupee:] I wear a pubic one
115.[Do you have any nieces or nephews:] many
116.[Are your parents divorced:] step dad once mom twice and I don’t know my real father
117.[Do you have step parents:] 1
118.[Has your family ever disowned another member of your family:] Many times
120.[Did some of your family come to America from another country:] Yes we are African (not really but that would be cool)

152.[Color:] grey
153.[Food:] Grey
155.[Show:] Friends
156.[School subject:] Photography
157.[Band/singer/artist:] Senses Fail
161.[Movie:] That thing you do, or Clockwork orange
162.[Pair of shoes:] Chucks or anything ugly
163.[Cartoon:] Rocko’s modern life
164.[Actor:] Jim Carry
165.[Actress:] Hillary duff
166.[Potato chip:] Wahoos
168.[Soda:] Orange soda
169.[Favorite holiday:] Halloween
175.[Video game:] Don’t play them
176.[Website:] anything with dead babies, or nude animals
177.[Book:] anything from anne rice or edgar allen poe
179.Number:] 24
183.[Disney character:] Jack from the nightmare before christmas
186.[Teacher:] hahahahahahahaha
190.[Magazine:] AP
191[Salad dressing:] Ranch
192.[Thing to do on the weekend:] Whatever comes up
193.Hot drink:]hot choclate
194.[Season:] summer
195. [sport to watch:] Slam ball
196.[Person to talk to online:] people might get mad if I choose one person
197.[What color are your sheets:] black
198.What color are your bedroom walls:] grey
199.[Do you have posters on your wall:] I used to
200.[If so of what:]
201.[Do you have a tv in your bedroom:] yeppers
202.[How many pillows are on your bed:] 2
203.[What kind of bed do you have:] the kind you sleep on
204.[What do you normally sleep in:] Nothing!
210.[Do you sleep with stuffed animals] if that’s what your moms nickname is
211.[How many people can comfortably sleep comfortably in your bed:] 567456756
213.[Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling:] no
218.[What's under your bed:] a monster
219.[loser/wannabe:] both
220.dughnuts/bagels:] who cares, its food
221.Day/night:] night
222.[Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west]: west side son
223.Heaven/hell:] that’s a trick question, I don’t care about either
225.[Coffee/tea:] Tea
226.hamburgers/hotdogs:] Veggie Burgers
227.[Rap/rock:] I’m such a rapper
228.[Britney/Christina] Both = whores
230.[Real World/Road Rules:] Real World
231.[Backstreet Boys/*Nsync:] They’re both my favorites
232.[Silver/gold:] I’d hock them both
233.[Nike/Adidas:] Nike
234.[McDonalds/Taco Bell:] Taco Bell
235.[sweet/sour:] sour
236.[Punk/emo: EMO EMO EMO
237.[Hot/cold:] I’m hot enough so I need cold, haha
238.[Winter/summer:] summer
239.[Spring/fall:] Spring
240. Operas/plays:] Plays
241.[Read/watch tv:] have you heard of subtitles, both
242.[Cd's/tapes:] cds
243.[Dvd's/vhs:] dvds
244.[Old/new:] old
245.[Shorts/skirts:] shorts
246. Pinnk/red:] Pink
247.[Colored pictures/black and white photos:] black and while
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