Aug 30, 2005 20:54
The other day we were at my IL's swimming with SIL and baby S (who is now 9 mo old). S loves to pull hair and my R was rolling around on the floor near her and she took a big chunk of his hair and pulled. R started crying so hard, it was like she had pulled out a chunk instead of giving him just a yank... we were laughing as payback can be a rough thing. R always picks on C, he's never been the victim before.
We took Tucker for a walk today, it was kind of comical. Before we had Wrigley, DH and I lived in an apartment with Tucker, so he walked all the time and loved it. Wrigley was never good on the leash and she was always scared of things, so walks didn't happen around here. Tucker needs a little attention now, so we went for a walk. R rode his tricicle, C and I walked. A little comical. We only went down the street and back, but we sure pooped out the dog. It was good for him. Since I made him promise he'd make it to 13 years old (2 more years), maybe this will be good for all of us.
C spent the afternoon today with my IL's. She had been asking to go there and spend the night (she hadn't ever done it before). Of course, MIL called this morning to say she had to have an eye procedure done early in the AM, so they'd have to cancel the sleepover part. Bummer. They still had a great time. They went swimming, dinner at IHOP (chocolate chip pancakes) and she was home a little after 8:00. It was nice that R went to bed at 7:00, so I still felt like we had a quiet evening. They brought her home bathed and in pj's so it was nice.
We haven't been doing anything interesting this week. We've been home a lot, just getting on each others nerves. I can't wait for school to start. C is so excited for Kindy. I'm excited for them to have something to do and to get back into the swing of life.
Now if I could just get rid of this cough I've had for almost 2 weeks. My stomach muscles hurt so much from coughing. I started a prescription strength cough medicine yesterday, I think it's helping. Last night as we were going to bed, DH asked how I was doing and I said, "okay". He said, "just okay?" and I said, "well, my dog died and I can't stop coughing." Sort of funny in a demented way. I guess I'm doing better if I can make jokes.