Jan 02, 2006 07:16
Our Hanukkah/New Year's Party was tons of fun. Absolutely total chaos. There were 14 kids, all under the age of 6 and 16 adults. All my food turned out yummy. I made brisket for the first time. It was my grandmother's recipe and I've seen my mom make it a bunch, but I've never actually tried. Loved my new electric skillet for fying latkes. I brined a turkey, too. That was excellent. People brough appetizers and dessert and we had tons. We gave up on the blue margarita, after taste testing the night before, I didn't like them. We cheated and bought pre-made Hurricane and called it Hurricane Dreidel. Yummy though :-)
The kids were great. We had put away a lot of toys, so it wasn't such a toy explosion, but close enough. At about 7:45, I brought out the new years' stuff and we celebrated with Puerto Rico. A few people did leave between 8 & 9 but there was quite a crowd still here to watch Times Square at 9:00. Most of the guests were gone by 10, except for one who helped me organize the kitchen enough that I could go to bed. I think they left at 10:30. I can't believe my kids made it that late. R did have a melt down as I was getting him to bed. He had fallen asleep on the couch at around 3PM before everyone came over. That was good.
Now it's raining. Bummer. I feel like we really haven't done much over vacation, the kids go back to school tomorrow. DH & I did have our Palm Desert get-away and we had our new year's thing. But we've been home a ton. At first we were restless, then it was nice and now we're restless again. C said she wants to go to school. We can't go to the park or anything either. I'm bummed it's raining on the Rose Parade, although I'm more bummed that the parade wasn't yesterday. It didn't seem like New Year's day to wake up to no parade. Oh, we have our Rose Bowl Tickets in our hands!!! Yippeee, we got them yesterday. Thankfully today is supposed to be the last day of the rain.
There is a rain gutter outside our bedroom window that is broken. Now I remember from last rainy season. This is really our first hard rain of the year and it woke me up during the night. Yes, we forgot to get it fixed during the summer. Nice reminder.
Now to R's bday planning. I can already tell that C is going to have a hard time with her brother's birthday. She's not the center of attention. He keeps talking about his birthday and she'll say something about hers and his response is usually "it's not your birthday". Her lilttle feelings are getting stomped on. I remember last year was hard, too. He didn't have a problem at all with her birthday, just the other way around. I'm thinking she'll get a special job for the party, maybe making sure the kids have tokens (it's at CEC) or something like that. I wrote invitations last night so they'll help me address them today as I want to take them to school tomorrow. I already did the ones that will be mailed. I can't believe his birthday is in 3 weeks... I'm going to have a 3 year old!!
DH let C watch Harry Potter the other day, that will teach me to sleep in and have him get up with the kids. What was he thinking? Between the 2 of us, we sat with her the whole movie and she did watch the whole thing. Most of it was over her head, she didn't say it was scary at all. This is the kid who was scared by Pooh's Hefalump Halloween, yet Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban wasn't scary? I know it was mainly because she didn't understand it. She loved Buckbeack and just talking about Harry making magic. She said that Ron had funny lips. Funny comments. Now she's asking to watch the first one.
I got my first post-pill AF. I'm happy because I was right about when I ovulated. I didn't realize until after the fact, but AF came 14 days later. YAY! I think it was around day 17ish, which is pretty normal for me. However, I did get a headache on AF day. It wasn't nearly as bad as it has been. Regular Tylenol knocked it out, hopefully that will get better too. My major O symptom was a definate increased sex drive, so it's also nice to know that DH's snipping worked :-)
And Hanukkah is finally over. It was very strange to light the 8th candle on January 1st. The kids liked all of their presents. The fish is still alive :-) It turns out that the starter goldfish set that I got for C is really lame. The filter isn't a charcoal filter, it basically blows bubbles. Oh, that's why it was so cheap :-) So we got a Betta fish, we'll see how we do to upgrade later. The fish is purple... it's name is Flounder (again).