Feb 28, 2005 06:41
March coming in like a lion couldn't be more accurate. That nasty four letter "s" word is a comin' our way. AGAIN. It hasn't started yet and they are either not opening schools or closing early. How does that effect moi? My aides will all call in and say they can't work because they have to stay home with their kids or they can't drive or the buses aren't running. That will probably be 35% of the aides due on a job today and tomorrow. That means I'll be going crazy trying to find aides to do relief work. Ones who either have kids who don't need a sitter, ones who aren't afraid to drive, or ones who don't mind waiting 1+ hours in the cold for public tranportation to and from work.
Last week I think I mention one aide called our on-call person at 2:30 AM to tell her she saw flakes and didn't think she could make work. Gives you an idea of what I have to deal with.
While I'm on the subject of work. I have an aide who gave us 3 different SS#s and spells her first name 5 different ways. I'm still working on that one.
Gotta run. Have a happy day! Have pity on us poor souls who have to deal with that bad "s" word.
This must be said: I HATE the fucking snow.